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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. A small gap in the clouds last night, 30mins on M81 M82, seeing was pretty bad last night. Quick calibration and stack in APP: Edited to add: havent sorted the spacing yet, and this is pretty much the FOV at 1200mm (slight edge crop)
  2. The larger part screws off and the clicklock screws on. The thinner black ring can be left on and tightened up against the clicklock.
  3. Really great detail Steve. The colour is actually very pleasing too.
  4. I live just a few miles from an IDA accredited dark sky park, but I spend most of my time in the back garden as it's quite reasonable.
  5. Impressive M51 Peter! I had a quick google of the L-500 mount - impressive!
  6. Fantastic Russ, really pleased all is working well.
  7. For me 3d printing has opened up ways of rigidly holding camera/FW/lens and attaching to a dovetail. I was able to incorporate a microfocuser in the design too. I did use guide rings (as posted above) to good success too.
  8. I've a 0.3 and 0.5mm spacer, can try those.
  9. Thanks for that analysis. It's already at about +1.5mm over the recommended 58mm, I have a few shims, will try another bit.
  10. Thanks Ciaran. Actually that is a crop of the centre, binned 1x1, and not downscaled. I did consider binning during capture or afterwards though, but wanted to try it out full size. Guiding was sitting around 0.5"/px, using an OAG. The full image has some nice detail in the small background galaxies. Trying to work out the spacing - does it need some more or less spacing?
  11. Yes I did buy it. Like you, I too replaced my KAF-8300, and am planning on using on a 180mm lens for a widefield camera. I've noticed a bit of tilt in the bottom corner, so my connection between the camera lens and camera must need a bit of adjustment. It's just getting the clear skies to experiment. All my KAF-8300 had 2-4 columns, normal, and calibrate out ok. I got one single 900s subs so far.
  12. Very nice. Recently bought a 16200 myself, but have yet to get a proper first light from it.
  13. Hope it’s ok to post a photo in your thread of my 250 👍🏻 It’s a dual speed focuser but that exactly the same height at the standard single speed one I replaced, it just worked better with the focuser motor. That is it focused. Not a lot of spare room.
  14. I havent tried without, but I think you are right, it pushes back the focus point a bit. The clicklock then eats away that gain plus some more!
  15. Nice detail in the crop Rodd and certainly the stars are better. Could you post the Oiii and Ha data for a look, dont often see strong Oiii signal!
  16. Good video Chris. I image with a 250px, the old blue tube one, I guess very similar to the 200p. I fitted a Baader clicklock, use a MPCC and can still get focus with it - just - a few mm spare. I havent noticed an issue with the secondary mirror size and lack of illumination. So my answer to the question would be no lol
  17. This is my master flat, evidence of similar pattern but a lot less severe.
  18. I'll get back to your PM directly when I get home. I didnt pursue the issue, but it is indeed due to the position where there mirror folds down during the exposure. Mine wasnt as bad as yours though, and presented as a band along the bottom of the image only. I am using a mono APS-C sensor with the scope now instead of the DSLR
  19. It could be reflections of the mirror box from the DSLR, with the sensor set far into the body. It’s a problem with my Nikon D800E FF DSLR on my 180mm F2.8 newt, and is difficult/impossible to correct fully with flats. I suggest that it wouldn’t occur with a dedicated FF astro camera as there is no mirror box and the sensor is usually much closer to the front of the camera
  20. Have to agree with everything said above Lee. That centre crop of the triplets is super, M65 is the real show stopper here for me 👍
  21. Superb, detail and colour showing up well. Great processing for such short integration time too.
  22. Really excellent job! Everything seems to be working well!
  23. I didnt realise this, but that makes sense. I just wasnt able to work that one out myself. I usually open a new instance then click 'File / New Sequence with Profile' and that would apply those settings stored in the equipment profile. I'm happy with SGPro the version 3.2.x I have but everything is just so much more complicated with 2 or even three cameras running so I'm looking for an easy life.
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