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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. I never tried it at 19.5mm, just assumed at 5mm over the correct spacing there wouldn’t be any point.
  2. I spent 15 minutes fiddling with the gain and settings in PHD2, wondering why the guidestar was really faint - then I realised it was cloudy!
  3. as an owner of two reflectors, I've learned the hard way 😂
  4. Rotating the camera wont change the spikes position relative to the sky, so you shouldnt find moving the camera causes any problems. But it's critical that you dont rotate the OTA within the rings, as this WILL move the spikes relative to the sky.
  5. I would have said it was too dark, but like you when I clicked on it, a brighter version appears.
  6. That’s a nice presentation, and a great timeline 👍🏻
  7. That’s interesting! Always figured there was [removed word] all to image from March onwards with a focal length of 500mm or less. How does it fair in Ha?
  8. A really beautiful image Andy. Is that the full image size with the FF camera?
  9. Lovely lovely image Richard! Stars are stunning as usual!
  10. I use the 3m Command Strips to hold some of my stuff like mount hub pro and power supplies https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/285393817
  11. A great catch David. I dont think I even got 11.
  12. A new scope cant wait until it arrives.
  13. It’s arrived in Ireland from France, this morning. Now awaiting delivery across the border to the north.
  14. Bob Holness, presenter of BlockBusters
  15. Thanks Martin, really appreciate that, looks like a fabulous list.
  16. I've a setup that I want to try out for EEVA this evening. I'm not at all familiar with EEVA and live stacking, but would be quite comfortable with a scope and camera. The equipment is a 14" F/8 SCT, with an 0.67x reducer, and a 2600MC camera. I was planning of using Sharpcap and binning 2x2. Any suggestions for settings, and also for 2 or 3 easy and bright targets to see how I get on? Many thanks Adm.
  17. That really is a great image. Looks natural
  18. Very very nice Craig. Great detail and contrast in the globules.
  19. Really nice and colourful job Russ.
  20. Cheers @teoria_del_big_bang and @tomato It’s a bit over sampled but I’m absolutely loving the old 10” f/4.7 reflector for imaging.
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