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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Nice image Gerr! It's a fascinating set of galaxies to image. Great topic! I did a few single subs last night, got this one of the triplets. Need to rotate the camera 90 degrees, but had it focused etc so just left it for the night. This is 1 x 300s with the ZWO2600MC using 250PX scope.
  2. Did you do a restart of PHD2 after that? I tried this last night and it didnt appear to work.
  3. Conditions? Moon can drastically increase the noise of subs, and these may be affecting the second image?
  4. Last night I was using the latest development of PHD2 (dev 4) and am APT, and PHD kept going into PAUSE mode, and I couldnt get it to unpause and start guiding. I eventually turned off dithering and I was able to maintain PHD2 guiding. First time I've experienced this, but also first time using the latest PHD verson.
  5. Thanks Michael. Yes it’s within the finder. How do you sync on an object? If I say chose m51, and goto it, and it ends up just off centre. Can I manually move it to the centre of the camera FOV. Then is there a way to resync the mount position so that future gotos work?
  6. Thanks Dave. It’s GPS controlled unless that’s wrong. I wonder is the initial tel alignment critical. It was done with EP then camera added
  7. I don’t know is my scope is different, but it slews to a nearby bright star, platesolves then moves to the target. It just seems to be off by the same amount in the same direction each time
  8. Can anyone advise? I do a two star alignment and then slew to a target. The object always goes outside the field of view of the camera, below and left, after it’s finished the high precision centering. Can it be ‘recalibrated’?
  9. Clear skies forecast, but nothing more than a five minute window materialised. Did a bit of tidy up in the dome instead, hoovered and whatnot and took a few photos of the gear 🤷‍♂️
  10. @paul mc c @masjstovel I screwed off the dome part of the camera housing, and found that the lens was loose on the camera, just a 1/16 of turn. This had caused the vignetting. The only thing I did was turn on the heater between the above photos, but that looks like it was enough to cause it to loosen. I have noticed that my camera temp is 33 deg C now whereas before it was 10 degrees or less. The heater is 2.8W and it says to run on full power. Ive attached a new photo from a few minutes ago. Thank you both for your input.
  11. Thanks for the reply. It’s a fixed installation that can’t move. If you see on the left side of the second image I now have cut off the FOV
  12. I posted a couple of images myself, went for Comet Neowise over Beaghmore Stone Circles and another timelapse one. I havent decided on a third one yet. I dont think I have anything really worthy in the deep sky department to enter, but I figured my best hope would be with something transient. If I had your images to choose from, I would choose the Double Cluster, its stunning. The others, whilst incredible in their own right, dont jump out - you only have to look at the [removed word] of FB that gets 500 likes, and its oversaturated overprocessed rubbish. It depends what the audience want to see. I hope you entered your dark nebula mosiac, that would be a deserving winner.
  13. How is it possible that my image is now off centre on the horizontal plane? ZWO 120MM with 1.55mm F2.0 lens 23rd March 27th March
  14. Just advertise it at the price you want to get and if it’s too dear you won’t get any offers!
  15. Depends on the items - are they the latest gear or older tech? Two months ago supply mustn’t have been too bad if you could source the items? Lack of warranty and not being new, you might get 70% of what you paid. Typically older but well cared for items generate 50-60%. All you can do is advertise them at the price you want and wait to see what happens
  16. Great job Ciarán. Sorry to hear your mount isn’t back yet still 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
  17. Not an attemp to debunk the brand, but from my own recent experience, the SS was not good optically or mechanically.
  18. If your have a good vendor who accepts returns and the time and experience to do the QC at home. This is my experience of a SharpStar triplet - strange spikes and CA.
  19. I would have to disagree and say no Edited after re-reading comment: Maybe the best triplets from China, I don’t know, but certainly not “the best APOs”
  20. Still brilliant despite your reservations, Bodes and the Cigar looks so good in there too.
  21. The observant will notice the dome is closed - a 2 month old refurbished pc packed in last night - so currently unable to image. Which is prob no bad thing looking at a) the moon b) the moisture in the air c) cloudz Nice lunar halo all the same
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