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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Fabulous image. Been a good spell of weather. Have about 5 galaxy images to get around to processing from the past week
  2. Last night I took a few subs, guiding was at the normal for me - around 0.6". Now having moved nothing between last night and tonight, simply parking and unparking the mount, at the same target, same time of day, guiding is over twice as good, at 0.31". I didnt really appreciate the impact of seeing, but I think this is proof of the difference it can make, and I will think twice about wondering if the equipment is to blame etc.
  3. Its one I drew up and printed for Tristan last week. Tristan gave me the measurements and broke it down into four connecting pieces.
  4. Very very nice. Must make myself one! Didn’t realise that was the cause of the star flares 😂😂
  5. Great images there, background level was acceptable to me in the first, but the second is nicer.
  6. Hi Laurence I used Pixinsight to annotate it, only just started using it though, so a long way to go! Best wishes Adam.
  7. Very nice, good to see the less common stuff. I annotated your image, showing that the other galaxy top left is NGC 2916,
  8. Probably caused by something bright outside of the FOV such as a star
  9. There aren’t any adapter plates, the base of the wedge is designed to be bolted directly onto the pier. There are three holes on the wedge plate, evenly spaced, one of which points south.
  10. Can anyone help me out here? I'm trying to get this SQM set up, but I cannot find it on the home network. I have it plugged directly into a netgear 8 gigabit switch. I've tried using an ethernet cable wired straight through and also one crossed over (like the normal ethernet cables) and I cant find it on the network. It's getting 6.18v tested at the plug, and a green light comes on around the ethernet port when the cable is connected. Any pointers on what I need to do? TIA Adam
  11. Thanks, scope was returned to the retailer some time ago.
  12. Lol John literally every season today. Frost snow hail wind rain sun
  13. Not looking great here, this is the view from my daytime all sky camera - solid cloud and now snowing
  14. You are definitely getting your moneys worth out of the camera Lots of detail in there and the stars are really tidy. Well done!!
  15. Very nice indeed, you've really captured the detail and colours in the galaxy, it has an almost palpable texture. Fantastic
  16. The file size would be bigger than 60MB? The 24 megapixel camera I have which is smaller version of this sensor produces 51MB file sizes, and my 36 megapixel DSLR produces 78MB files. If that follows each file would be over 100MB?
  17. It was good to get a replacement from Lunt. However that’s is now the replacement which has gone faulty, and within 12 months. The nice shiny one is the original old one cleaned with household limescale remover.
  18. I havent had much success using the 290MM to do full solar disks via a 2 panel mosaic, so I decided to give my new 268M a go instead. It easily gets the whole disk in at a focal length 500mm. If I can find a way to barlow it x2 then it will still do a full disk, although currently not sure how, because it's all screwed together onto the focuser, so I cant insert a barlow. Interestingly, the new blue glass I got from Lunt in April 2020 has corroded/become pitted already, and wouldnt clean up at all - looks like the surface is physically marked. I was able to use the original glass - although it had fogged over, all this was completely removed with limescale cleaner. Might be worth checking your own glass if you received new glass. The first photo is the glass when I checked it yesterday before imaging - quite unexpected. In the second photo below the glass on the left is the 'new' glass, and the right is the old glass cleaned up. The surface feels rough and a bit like something is peeling off it. Anyway I think the QHY268M is a success. I managed to get 17 FPS with the imaged cropped down, dont know whether this is good or not, but better than I'm used to. A crop of an area yielded 99 FPS. Lunt and QHY camera in action: Solar images below, all stacks in AS!3, best 25% of 2000 frames. Single images, with proms and surface process using IMPPG, then in PS. Thanks for looking Adam
  19. I agreed with everything Adrian says, a really really good image, just need to work on the gradient.
  20. Time lapse setup, battery pack died so end of time lapse
  21. A lovely Iris Adrian. Well worth it.
  22. Very nice. I imaged M108 last night. Couldn’t get both in the field of view so chose the galaxy. Seeing your M97 makes me thing I should have chosen it instead as it looks great.
  23. Nightmare mate, hope it turns up. Without a doubt this camera is extremely good.
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