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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. I think the new generation of cameras are excellent, but dont know enough about the electronics/science to comment. Is F3 versus F4.65 going to make much of a difference?
  2. Thanks Lee. Ha really shows up the fine detail and structure.
  3. I was looking at yours too Rodd. Very comparable I think. Interesting comparison as we have the same aperture, just a difference in focal ratio and you have a bit over 2x exposure time
  4. 💪🏻 the good old 1600. These cameras will have achieved cult status like the KAF8300.
  5. Agree with this. I’ve already scrapped one with a failed usb port.
  6. @Space Oddities that’s looking great! What camera are you using? It’s good to see what the filters can do at F2.
  7. Another mono image, due to the moon being around when the sky was clear! APM LZOS 105/650 with 0.75x RIR QHY268M camera Chroma 3nm Ha filter 31 x 300s subs (approx 2.5 hours) Any comments welcome! Adam.
  8. I have been using a Chroma 3nm and I didnt even see a gradient in the image with an 83% moon. Superb and opens up imaging time around the full moon
  9. I had a go at this one myself Rodd. I went and had a look and found the word too I think you have done a fine job here and I hope you add some colour too whenever you get a chance. What Ha filter are you using? BW Adam
  10. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed! My Chroma 3nm Sii arrived on Thursday so I’m very excited to try it. The 3nm Ha is a thing to behold. I’m glad I could get away with 36mm as the 2” are really dear.
  11. Cheers Lee. I got a few subs on panel 2, and did get some RGB data, but unfortunately I hasnt realised the OAG prism was aligned with the long axis so it's caused a weird artefact.
  12. I did rattle off a couple of flats using a 2" Baader 7nm Ha filter and the bright circle is definitely visible.
  13. Genuniely laughed at this, sounds very familiar 😂
  14. Thanks for the comment Paul 👍🏻
  15. Really nice job, loving the colour of the whole image and the stars.
  16. I decided to purchase final piece of the NB puzzle
  17. 3 hours and 25 minutes in 300s subs 83% moon phase 3nm Chroma Ha filter QHY 268M / Gain 56 Offset 30 APM LZOS 105/650 with x0.75 M63 RIR I'm hoping to add 2 panels (one above and one below), but so far really liking what I'm seeing here. The detail with the APM is phenomenal coupled with the 3nm filter and the IMX571, a nice resolution of 1.5"/px. C+C welcome Adam
  18. I’m assuming the 2” version should be more costly than the 1.25”. So either you paid more than you needed to or you got a bargain! If the former return it, and if the latter sell it on and buy a 1.25”. I’ve the 2” version and I’m not sure how easy it would be to get it into a 1..25” opening, and it’s really quite heavy.
  19. I've a ZWO 2600MC and a QHY268M Some minor observations: The ZWO2600 arrived with a tiny tiny spec of dust on the cover glass of the sensor but so far the oil leak hasnt affected my model. However it is more stable in terms of temperature mainenance, and overall pretty much faultless in terms of function/connectivity. The QHY268 is definitely a little more finickity and very occasionally there seem to be connection issues, and drop outs when using it for solar imaging. It's temp control will fluctuate around 0.2-0.3 degrees of -10 through a session. The QHY268 requires me to use dessicant and to change it frequently. The ZWO2600 seems to so far be dry - thats why I wont remove the cover to get the spec of dust out. I'm not sure the 268C version offered an adjustable faceplate - this can be useful (or essential) when correcting tilt. I'm actually in the market for another mono sensor, but hadnt thought of going for one of the less common brands. I actually wanted a mono ZWO 2600, but when I priced it a coupole of days ago at £2850, I decided to leave it. The equivalent QHY model is £800 cheaper.
  20. What a nightmare David, hopefully no permanent damage, although my own experience is that astro gear is pretty robust so fingers crossed.
  21. There were a few gaps in the cloud to grab 500 frames. Captured through an APM LZOS 105/650 with 0.75 reducer, ZWO 2600MC colour camera. 20% stacked in AS!3 and processed in PS. Worked out at about 487mm focal length, cropped to 1600x1600px for the video.
  22. I’m currently using SGPro, version 3.2, working ok.
  23. Ideally ask for a dark frame at say -20deg C to assess noise. Don’t be alarmed by dark columns as these will calibrate out. The above M31 image is very noisy. How much data exposure went into it? Here are some I took with my 383L+
  24. I was thinking about purchasing a mono ZWO2600, didnt realise they were now not far off £3k 🙄
  25. I’ve also a Baader 7nm filter in my wheel, I’ll try a flat with that later. Baaders new reflex coated filters produced awful haloes with my setup, and swapping to Chroma solved it. It seems the RIR may cause it, but it’s how the filters deal with it that varies a lot.
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