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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Very nice setup there and so handy. I like the champagne ED80 👍🏻
  2. You mean the big star with the square diffraction pattern? That’s caused by a microlensing effect inherent to the 1600MM. If its something else then I don’t see it, the stars look round to me on the phone here 🤷‍♂️
  3. The custom PDF would be a nice item to have, and it’s valid for three years
  4. Absolutely wonderful Ciarán. When you said you only had 30mins of red I thought you must be mad, but it just shows you - an ED80 - the most humble of scopes - produces data that in the right hands matches anything out there even at 10x the price.
  5. Seems to work only work outside the visible spectrum in the IR region, so definitely not suitable for visual, but a cool product on the euromillions win list of stuff to buy.
  6. Very dramatic and beautiful colour scheme. Great job
  7. Chroma are the same. I fitted mine as per ZWO guidelines. However some folks say it doesn’t matter and others say it’s better the other way round.
  8. Well I fitted a purple Moonlite focuser to mine 😉
  9. I love the hardware on that telescope, stunning. Yellow is the best colour
  10. Does anyone have any experience with running 2 QHY268M at the same time, not one colour and one mono etc. Cheers Adam.
  11. I’ll take some credit for it too 😂
  12. Some FOV comparisons or 120MC versus DSLR too:
  13. You will have a great setup now. I wouldnt bother using the 120MC for any deep sky work personally, really small sensor/FOV and noisy.
  14. Phenomenal! How do you get so much separation between the dust and the background?
  15. Also just realised I stacked the data without any calibration files 🙄 so doing another run through APP now.
  16. Thanks @Grant do like these mono images myself too.
  17. Thanks Lee. I've about 8 hours of OSC data to add to this, so am looking forward to seeing what it does to the dark dusty regions.
  18. Cheers Adrian. I just stacked it in APP, DPP stretch, opened in PS, StarXTerminator and then NoiseXTerminator at 50%.
  19. 9.5 hours data now, still looks a little noisy on the left side, probably due to lack of Ha signal:
  20. Looks good to me too, pinpoint detail and a delicate amount of saturation.
  21. Very nice, great FOV, lovely stars and plenty of dust!
  22. I agree really really great. Looks like quality data.
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