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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Absolutely a good point. At £600 the budget is a little too limited. However, I would respectfully disagree about the decent camera comment and the need to spend over £1500 - a used KAF-8300 is a good buy, and for about half of that amount will get you into CCD RGB imaging. I still would recommend a used DSLR though, and maybe an H-alpha filter to use on moonlit nights.
  2. A used Kodak KAF-8300 based camera eg QHY9 would be just about doable for slightly over the budget of £600, and a used Canon modded DSLR would be around £100-140. I dont see the benefit of buying a new DSLR for astroimaging given the used prices these days of already modded ones (and I bought my first Canon DSLR brand new and modified it straight away). The ease of use of a DSLR and large field size allow for cropping of defects and are more forgiving when framing. I would recommend cutting your teeth on a DSLR, and then consider progressing to an astro CCD or CMOS.
  3. Great result despite the dead camera. You will have this sorted and look forward to the results.
  4. Hi Anne As I hoped, I got some time today to align my scopes. This was done manually simply by adjusting the screw within the slotted space and adding one fine shim for vertical adjustment. I didn't realise that objects located around 1 mile away would be in a different position in each scope, which threw me initially (parallax?). However I then used the horizon which is quite a few miles away (around 12 I think), and I achieved very reasonable alignment. The QHY9 camera has a slightly smaller number of pixels than the Atik 383L+ (3336x2496 versus 3354x2529) which worked in my favour. I think a very very slightly rotation of the QHY camera will leave me spot on - the QHY is green and the Atik is blue, canvas background red. Good luck with yours. Adam. alignment04.mp4
  5. Hi Anne I modified the dovetail and mounting ring height on one scope. It’s not that pretty but if you have patience it works.
  6. Thanks Wim. A prolonged period of cloud causes this type of behaviour.
  7. I’ve reworked my setup today. Since moving from DSLR to CCD I needed to overhaul wiring etc. New Lindy USB cables from FLO, two SW motor focusers, shorter QHY power cable from Modern Astronomy, a second Baader Click-Lock from North Down Telescopes and 12v cabling from CPC. This means just 2 cables going to the kit - 1 x Power and 1 x USB (plus a third cable to power the mount).
  8. That is a shame you haven’t had much success with any astro clubs in NI. I’m involved in the Irish Astronomical Association (I’m on the committee) and we hold events throughout the province. If you want to drop me a PM with your details I’m sure I could get you a look at kit. We have a 127mm mak we use for outreach events, as well as a big SCT and some small refractors.
  9. I am thinking of powering my SWSA off a USB powerpack. Seems they can turn off when using the SA on it's on due to low current draw. I was wondering if I used a USB dew heater at the same time, would this stop this from happening?
  10. Be good to hear how you get on. Looks great.
  11. I got this the other day. The standard 2” attachment on the ED80 loosened itself and my camera was left almost ‘dangling’ ££ well spent And a few shorter cables including a QHY9 0.5m power cable and some 0.5m usb cables.
  12. I know it make no odds but I have the red SA and I think it’s as ugly as sin. The white one is gorgeous.
  13. The final pieces arrived, so I’ve finished my first camera.
  14. If it wasnt for the keyboard, it does have a striking resemblance to a coconut
  15. Meteor camera - first piece of puzzle Smaller than a kiwi.
  16. My locals do stuff cheaper too than you’d expect. You almost feel bad for them! A small gesture of appreciation like wine or biscuits can go down well should you wish to return for more business
  17. Well hidden under those cables I have went from having no CCDs, to two in the space of six months (KAF-8300 based cameras).
  18. Excuse the cables! Just a test run getting new camera up running with APT ?
  19. tooth_dr

    M57 LRGB Final.jpg

    Nice colours. I like that ??
  20. tooth_dr

    M31 Andromeda Galaxy

    What DSLR are you using?
  21. PS - Gradient Xterminator, and then adjusted levels to get black point a little lower, and star size reduction, and some noise reduction..
  22. Here is the original and my effort
  23. That’s a nice image. First thing I would do would be take flats. Once applied they won’t remove the big gradient but they will remove some optically-induced gradients and dust bunnies and make processing overall much easier.
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