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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. What about a takahashi epsilon 130ed - that would be pretty fast, but slightly shorter FL at 430mm.
  2. I only had a few subs to work with, but given the forecast I thought I'd stack it anyway. There isnt much in Oiii, should I be binning 2x2? Ha 7 x 900s Oiii 6 x 900s Cropped to include bubble only, taken with ED80 on EQ6. CS Adam.
  3. It isnt in the same place, the gif is a bit misleading as the meteor is still visible from the bottom layer when the meteor cloud appears.
  4. What would be a suitable single replacement for a dual ED80/CCD setup up? Would an equally ‘fast’ system be available, that could replace the above in a single scope. Im now starting to look at autofocusers etc and although I have no issues with two scopes so far, I often wonder would a single scope be handier and lighter on my EQ6. Focal length I was thinking of between 500-850mm. I have a full set of both 1.25” and 2” LRGBHaOiiiSii filters. Currently using 2 x KAF-8300 CCDs. I would be thinking of selling some kit off and adding some money to it. Any suggestions welcome.
  5. This one has insulation fitted inside the dome, I believe to alleviate the dripping. I will be running a dehumidifier but I am debating whether or not to remove the insulation.
  6. Cheers Dave! The wind protection is the main one for me.
  7. I do get occasional planes but I’m not on a flight path. I would typically see planes heading to America. I seen another suspected meteor dispersion cloud picked up in the other camera 12 minutes earlier as well, but I didn’t pick up a meteors or cloud in my camera. This also made me suspicious The above images were taken at 23:47 on Sept 7th.
  8. Thanks Dave. It's about 4 years old, and came with all the gubbings I wanted. I hope it will be a significant improvement over my ROR shed (which is being recycled into a playhouse for my kids)
  9. So I've come back to this and I would like to present some more evidence to the experts! Firstly I combined the two frames, to create a single image - the meteor/flares must have occured at the end and beginning of 45s exposures. Next I located data from another all sky camera approx 25 miles away, corresponding to the same time as my capture. I then rotated and overlaid the data above with my data. There is a little cloud that isnt present on either frame either side of the above image. It appears to line up with my meteor capture. I wonder could this be meteor dispersion, and thus confirm it was a meteor?
  10. The site I have planned for it is on a corner with kerbing so base will be dictated by that to some extent. Dave - it’s going to have to be neat 😂
  11. I am indeed! I havent actually seen it yet either, so cant wait to get home from work.
  12. Thanks Alan I was very fortunate in that the fella I purchased the dome off runs his own company, and delivered it for me in one of his vans. Absolutely - spade at the ready. I had planned to dig it out, pour it up, wiring, etc over the next few months, in time to buy a new dome in Spring/Summer, but when this used one came up I couldnt not buy it. It's the updated version, with the motorised dome rotation and motorised shutter kit. There arent any bays, but I'll see how I get on without them. Mightnt need them.
  13. Today the ‘postman’ delivered this 💫💫 I need to dig out a base and get the concrete in before the weather changes.
  14. Thanks Steve that’s excellent advice to prevent any distortion for the dome itself to move better. Despite the appearance, it’s actually second hand. He cleaned it up, removing all traces of silicone etc. I just need to find out what would be the best silicone to seal it with now.
  15. Thanks Paul. I was very fortunate in that this one turned up for sale locally.
  16. I liked the first two, but the third version looks pretty awesome! Amazing.
  17. Fantastic image Steve, pretty much echoing everyone elses comments. I like both versions, with tendency for more subtle verions myself also.
  18. Thanks a lot guys. I am working backwards here as already have the 14”. Now looking to showcase images live via some sort of screen.
  19. You can load the normal raw data into APP and select the H-alpha setting and it will do all this automatically and produce a stack from the red channel only
  20. Hi Louise. Thanks for the replies. Yes there is wedge for it too. This was a thought that occurred to me also, using a smaller faster scope, but this would need to be explored. What would be an alternate ‘big scope’ instead of the 14” SCT? Something like a big refractor?
  21. @vlaiv thanks for that reply. This is the scope https://www.rothervalleyoptics.co.uk/meade-lx600-acf-14-f8-goto-telescope.html
  22. Thanks Ciaran! You know it was actually more green, which I quite liked, but I succumbed to peer pressure and ran HLVG on it and then blended it to 70% 😂
  23. Thanks John This is the first time I removed the stars from the images Ha Sii and Oiii. I then combined them as usual and finally added in the stars at the end again. Otherwise I get magenta stars too. I bought Straton this time instead of doing it manually and it made all the different. I tried Starnet++ but I couldn’t get it to open up. At £14odd it’s not expensive. Hope that helps Adam.
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