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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. @Merlin66 @johninderby I do have geoptik dual saddles and altair astro saddles, so money isnt the driving factor here. I've had no issues with my current SW vixen holder, so I just assumed the same would be true with the new one too.
  2. The bottom left corner looks like a pair of birds flapping their wings.
  3. That’s what I wanted to hear, cheers Craig.
  4. I have one of the white 2009 EQ6-Pro synscan which came with then vixen only head. Is it possible to swop it for the dual saddle head? I read somewhere that it only fits the later models but this isn’t mentioned on the websites that sell it.
  5. That fits to a filter wheel, to step the opening down to M42, allowing a camera to attach directly to the FW with as low a profile as possible. It sits quite flush so those holes are for loosening or tightening. (Thats my educated guess )
  6. I dont know why youd stop! I always enjoy looking at your images. This is another nice one, with plenty of detail. Maybe a tad dark on my screen tho?
  7. Amazing! Took me about 10 weeks to get the hang of APP never mind what you have achieved in 10 days. I hope you haven’t peaked too early 😂
  8. I don’t agree that you need to retake them every session if permanently setup ie camera isn’t moved. Flats are a wee bit of a faff with some cameras, like those with mechanical shutters for example, or if you have a large aperture scope. i have taken flats for each filter in the past but have found flats from just one filter works for them all. Temperature - I always match that with the lights. Minor focus discrepancies should make zero difference.
  9. Lovely example of a tricky target M33. As I’ve been saying myself about posting in the wrong forum, hopefully the moderators can move it to the deep sky forum where it firmly belongs.
  10. I agree. I see a king cobra.
  11. You have quite the talent for drawing out the faint smokey details. The esprit is performing well! Do you miss the Epsilon?
  12. This couldnt literally have popped up at a better time! Currently sitting here planning out my 2.2m dome build. Excellent! Thank-you!
  13. @astroman001 Hi Peter, I ran it through HLVG in PS as per Richards recommendation, and balanced the background with GradXterminator.
  14. Good effort. I’ve done a couple of these now and the proms really do change quite dramatically.
  15. This is a possible candidate for the 20:13 one -> satellite CZ-3C R/B
  16. Missed this completely. Stunning image of this target Richard.
  17. I read about this earlier this morning. Possible satellite reentry.
  18. I’ve rechipped and lx modded a toucam 😂 So handy enough lol Tempted by the deepskydad autofocuser
  19. When I flick my though the Baader filters with the bahtinov mask on there is a noticeable shift in focus. I’ve tried not focusing and the stars vary too much
  20. Thanks for that link! I knew that a faster scope is more difficult to maintain focus etc, but apparently ‘at f/2.8 the zone of critical focus is about 8 microns’. I think i will end up with more trouble and wasted tweaking, so I’m going to stick with my current setup for the time being.
  21. Ha I read that! Bar the autofocussing, I'm pretty much automated. Parfocal Baader filters arent Parfocal in my scope though
  22. Thanks for the advice guys. I am getting frustrated at not being able to image in RGB as each filter needs a focus change. I'm going to have to add a proper stepper motor focuser to 2 scopes, so looking at £250-300, then the complexity of two focusing routines.
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