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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. I think that's pretty much what we have all been saying Carole above!
  2. No you can use one program to do both. I would suggest trial version of APT https://ideiki.com/astro/Download.aspx
  3. Yes, I used to image with a 300d which is a similar model. The USB will allow you to download the images directly to your PC, and the serial cable will allow you to expose >30s ie bulb mode. You will need to use both cables in tandem.
  4. The Canon 350d doesnt support USB exposures over 30 seconds, so you will need to buy or make a serial port cable to trigger exposures. Perhaps not the news you wanted to hear unfortunately.
  5. Lovely image of the Eagle Alan, well done, a great result.
  6. I brought up a hubble/subaru image of this galaxy and compared them side by side, and I cant believe the level of detail in the fine dust tendrils in the core region in your image Olly.
  7. I did a bit of mono and OSC (DSLR, not cooled), and it was a great way of getting colour images with a detailed luminance layer. Since then I bought a second mono camera and a second set of filters, EFW, etc. I'll be honest I'm still not getting RGB images, but my NB images are much quicker to produce. I'll do a night of Ha on both cameras, and then a night of Oiii and Sii, so in two nights I have a complete NB image, with a decent amount of integration time.
  8. I've been considering a new mount for some time now, and it always comes back to the Mesu 200! It'll not be a while yet as I've made two not insignificant astro purchases in the last month. I am delighted to hear that you have bought one and will look forward to the updates.
  9. @teoria_del_big_bang Hi Steve. I've never used remote desktop. I use TV on my iphone when in the house to check up on my subs etc, and to check guiding etc.
  10. Fantastic images Andy. The only observation I would make would be that the background is a little too black.
  11. Both computers will need connected to the internet. I use teamviewer, and find it invaluable
  12. Very nice image, you wouldn’t suspect you had struggles as you have very skilfully processed it.
  13. My first deep sky image sub - M57 appearing on the lcd screen of my DSLR, fantastic moment. Seeing Saturn for the first time in a scope - another WOW moment. Seeing the ‘black sun’ (aka solar eclipse) with my wife and kids - won’t forget that! In fact any night I’m out something always surprises me - it could be 2 satellites crossing in an image, or a meteor or just my equipment working without any fuss!
  14. https://forums.atik-cameras.com/index.php?topic=571.0
  15. Flats are crucial in evening out illumination of the sensor - includes dust and vignetting! Trust me it will make processing a lot easier for you
  16. Also if I can add, I wouldnt bother stacking my lights if I dont have flats, flats are pretty much crucial. You had a lot of vignetting that was very difficult to remove.
  17. No problem. I spent about 15 mins doing this. I did three stretches of the image, layered them, and used layer masks to let through the centre to control the trapezium.
  18. Thanks for the data, had a quick go at processing it there now.
  19. Im interested in this, but cant see a photo of your thread, just some wood.
  20. I just untick it, but occasionally this doesnt work and throws up an error message.. In this case I set it up as a multi-session imaging stacking plan. Add only your reference frame to set1 and then the rest of the images you want to stack to set2. Then I keep all ticked, but when it comes to integration, I select integrate per session (not all) on the integration tab. This will create a stack of the set2 (the ones you want).
  21. Lots of detail, with a tiny bit of saturation boost this would be the best lion nebula I’ve seen.
  22. A very beautiful rendition, I really like the natural processing and the stars are superb.
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