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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thanks for the heads up Helen. I took this single frame last night between other targets, binned 2x2 60s luminance.
  2. Beautiful m33. APT is a nice bit of software, are you platesolving?
  3. Thanks Dave, that M42 just seems to work. I only spent 10 mins processing it, just to see what it looked like, and in this case less is more.
  4. Outstanding Ivo, thanks for sharing.
  5. Rather that keep starting a new topic for my part attempts, I'll post them on this thread until I get issues ironed out. Cloud thwarted my manual mosaic, but I'll keep trying!
  6. Very nice Dave. Super detail in the galaxies. The better skies are paying dividends
  7. Nice shot Victor. Nebulosity coming through around the cluster 👍🏻
  8. Thanks 😎 I’m surprised how much signal this picks up in a short time. It looks like the ideal scope for mosaics.
  9. That’s what I’m after. Can you send me details please 👍🏼
  10. Thanks Emil 👍🏻👍🏻. Looks like a new Atik EFW3 is on the cards as the Brightstar EFW crashed again this evening in a different sequencing programme.
  11. Thanks Robin. Yes I used flats, darks and bias for the 300s, matching light temp -20, no calibration for the short subs.
  12. I had a more successful night with the Epsilon after repeated crashes. I’ve these narrowed now to the EFW, so until I get it sorted it’s luminance only for now. This is 2.5 hours in 300s subs, with 10 x 10s for the core. CS Adam
  13. Here is a stack from last night, SH2-155, and a screen shot of my guiding figures. Do you think it looks a little out of focus, or what else is going on? 6 x 300s
  14. Hi all I had a second night of crashing, where APT froze a few subs into the imaging run. I'm currently running APT now with the same settings as last night to see if I can replicate the problem. So far it looks like the EFW is crashing and refusing to move, and this in turn affects everything on the same hub, then APT crashes. Looks like a new EFW is needed Anyway back to the main issue - double diffraction spikes. I ran SGPro last night and go the best fit focus position. The thing is I dont think that the focuser has a small enough step. I could be completely wrong, but IMHO it looks like focus is in between the two steps at the bottom of the curve. Anything I can do to address this. OR is it even a focus issue. Tracking was good last night, RMS on each axis was 0.6 with total RMS of 0.8. Exposure times were 300s, and this kept the ADUs between 1300 and 55000 (within the saturation limit of the QHY9 mono sensor). The spikes are on all axis and parallel. Scope is Epsilon 180. Any opinions/advice grealy welcomed. I've attached a single sub from this morning, unprocessed. CS Adam
  15. Nice Francis. Surprisingly little data but deep! A little noisy so I can’t wait to see a full nights data! The star shapes look a lot better compared to the broomstick.
  16. I’ve heard of people refer to big scopes as dustbins, and this literally is the size of a dustbin! I have been given a lend of this brand new beauty for the weekend, so as a 99.9% imager, what’s worth a view? I’ve got reasonable dark skies (Bortle 4) and the moon is out of the way.
  17. Thanks Mick The guiding was pretty exceptional on this one too, so a bit annoyed at the dewing. The RMS was hovering between 0.55 and 0.65, and I was getting as low as 0.35 on the DEC.
  18. No dewing on this one, but not perfect focus! This is two panels, one hour of exposure per panel in 150s subs, luminance filter only as I had enough bother focusing that! Downsized 50% prior to upload CS Adam.
  19. Top class Mick. I like it a lot.
  20. Amazing Richard. You’re still my benchmark for processing, I really like your style.
  21. Probably the secondary! It was literally so wet in the obsy this mornin it looked like it had rained.
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