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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Stuff goes on in people’s lives outside of the forum, often the reason that prompts for sale adverts. Take it on the chin and move on, I’m sure it’s nothing personal
  2. Hi again Last night I wanted to try out the Ha filter with the new scope. This is IC5070 and NGC7000, a 2 pane mosaic. It got cloudy after I swapped over to the NGC pane. 14 x 600s right pane 2 x 600s left pane Very little processing done in PS. Clear skies Adam.
  3. Thanks very much for the feedback. I'm planning on adding some Ha to this. I'm not sure if I can add more colour. I will have to break down my kit to change the EFW, and I am not planning on keeping it in the same orientation in a bid to reduce the distance of the weight from the dec axis. FWIW, i adjusted the curves to lower the brightness.
  4. Hey Roger! I grabbed a few 10 mins Ha subs last night. This is one uncalibrated, just DPP in APP.
  5. Thanks Carole. It took three restarts of the PC but I was able to get the EFW I have connected and moved to Lum, then unplugged it before it crashed everything. The RGB is from other data with my ED80s. TBH I need to just buy that EFW3 Thanks-you - maybe sometime Sean Lol Thank-you. I used the ED80 for RGB and the epsilon for Lum. I deciding whether to sell of the ED80s but they are super super scopes. Thanks Paul Appreciate the comment Dave, for under 3 hours luminance I was surprised myself. Thanks It does look very light now that I'm on my PC monitor. Could be just this screen.
  6. Neil that’s superb. Big difference. FWIW I use NC deep space noise reduction, it masks the lighter areas better
  7. Here is my first completed image of this season, the iconic Horsehead Nebula. Still mastering the LRGB combination bit, any pointers welcome. Acquisition dates: 04/02/19 and 26/10/19 Equipment: ED80 / Epsilon 180ed Cameras: Atik 383L+ / QHY9 Mount: EQ6 with Finderscope guider/120MM Filters: Svbony UV-IR and Baader RGB Exposures: L 250 mins / R 75mins / G 75 mins / B 65min Total integration time: 6 3/4 hours Thanks for looking! Adam.
  8. Absolutely, once the camera is set at the beginning of the session there is no need to touch it.
  9. I do like comparisons Roger 😎 Mine is luminance, but looking forward to see what I can do in Ha.
  10. I’m just in the process of setting up SGPro. Will have a look at this later.
  11. Not at all Carole. I have another Atik EFW2 here, but I want 7 x 2” so going to get an EFW3 instead. More expenditure though. The Epilson is precise, it would be too much hassle swopping filters from carousels, lining up diffraction spikes, getting spacing right.
  12. Here is a mosaic of M31. 4 panels, 42.5 minutes per panel, luminance. Background is a little patchy.
  13. Mindblowing stuff. Hard to believe we can capture images of this stuff from the back garden.
  14. Thanks Martin - I dont feel that confident yet.
  15. I dont want to criticise, but the quality isnt great This is a screen shot of what I get>>>
  16. Nice one Mick. Lovely foreground detail
  17. Neil what do you do when you upload the image. It is quite pixelated when I click on it.
  18. If you know you have tilt problems then I would try to get those fixed before worrying about focus itself. L stars include all wavelengths so will be bigger than Ha. Your focus is good on the left side side 👍🏻
  19. I think the first one in the second set is better, but I also think it could be better as the data looks good!
  20. Thanks for that. I took an exposure of M33 myself on Tuesday, so I overlaid your image on mine. There appears to be some issue with tilting - the left side is in focus, but the right side isnt.
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