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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. I use binoviewers for h-alpha solar viewing, and it’s pretty awesome. The biggest advantage for me is public outreach - people naturally take to using two eyes versus one. When there is only one EP there is some reluctance to try it out, but with BVs they dive straight in and feel more comfortable. There is a bit of adjustment but the narrowest setting even suits down to 3-4 year olds too.
  2. That’s pretty special John. Any more capture details?
  3. Nice job Nadeem. Bad luck about the filter 😩
  4. You’ve a great set up there, I really liked my dual rig. It felt easy to get a completed image. Looking forward to more from you David.
  5. Ha and Sii are both red, so you couldnt split those as they would both appear in the red channel Oiii is between blue and green, so I guess it could be separated from the red.
  6. Does such an adapter exist? I want to set up a widefield rig with an EFW2, a Nikon 180mm F2.8 lens and a QHY9 CCD. The back focus of the camera is 16.3mm, and the EFW2 is 22mm thick. AFAIK the back focus of the Nikon D800 is 46.5mm, so I am aiming to replicate this distance to use my lens with the QHY9. 46.5mm - (16.3mm + 22mm) = spacing available = 8.2mm Is it physically possible to get an 8mm adapter for this purpose? TIA CS Adam.
  7. I just sold an ED80 in perfect condition for £200. You won’t get much better value than that. A second hand ED80 would be an excellent intro.
  8. Thanks for looking at this Olly. I was planning on mounting the camera beneath the tube as you say, but the shortness of the scope limits how much I can slide the rings back and forth. Currently the dovetail fouls the focuser if I rotate it - I plan to remove the dovetail excess this weekend and reposition and see if that helps to reduce loading. Hopefully there won’t be much slippage.
  9. Wow that's a big looking mount. But I agreed about basic - those first two photos wouldn't really sell it to me. Good luck with it and congratulations.
  10. @jimjam11 Thanks for the reply. I'll have a look at the subs later. I'm not sure if there is rotation, that could be some movement in the kit but I my guess is that that is unlikely. I don't have pixinsight but may be I could use a trial?
  11. Hi Adrian. Onto a winner there, looks like a great combo.
  12. Wonderful! This makes me want to attach a ccd to my 180mm Nikon lens
  13. Fantastic. Incredible result for not a huge integration time.
  14. It was posted yesterday so should be winging its way to you as we speak
  15. Superb! I like orientation. Very impressive result
  16. Nice work Bob, great to see images of comets on the forum.
  17. That's a fabulous image Chris
  18. Interest points, but not sure if this is specific to Spain. I've always done it, and my kids at school are doing it.
  19. The Christmas Tree Nebula. On my way to bed last night I had a duke out the window and it was clear despite the forecast. So I quickly set up, and took a few subs in Ha. I didn't change the focus from the previous session, so it may be slightly out, but temps were similar and the kit hasn't moved so it was close enough at 1am! This is a total for 2.5 hours, from 6 x 600s and 6 x 900s sub. Uncalibrated stack presented here. I wanted to pick up the dark stuff at the top of the image, hence the framing. CS Adam
  20. Nice report. I was very tempted by this scope when it came up for sale. It is without doubt a beautiful scope to look at and was well cared for by previous owner Richard.
  21. I can fit the full disc on my 178MC, but cant get flats with it. Defocusing doesn't work, and a thin sandwich bag blocks out all the light. Any suggestions?
  22. Looking good for short exposure time! The stars are lovely colours.
  23. Thanks Bryan The subs were all 300s, but this over exposed Alnitak. The RGB was from an ED80, at F6.3, so a lot less exposed that the epsilon Lum at F2.8
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