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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thats a mighty result. Super sharp and worth the effort.
  2. Stunning. That’s all I can say 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  3. Does anyone have a copy of this? I called into the nearest Easons (50 miles away) last week and it wasnt on the shelves. Thanks! Adam.
  4. I really enjoy your untracked images. Lacking in colour yes but not lacking in any of the detail. Superb.
  5. For sure, definitely click on the full size image link and have a good look around. Beautiful image.
  6. @carastro sorry I didnt comment on the image, as I was too busy replying about APP. Thats a heck of a nice image for the short integ time, and from a poor location! I reckon some more data would really smooth it out, and enhance what is shaping up to be a stunner.
  7. Beautiful image with your delicate processing touch.
  8. Robin - APP works flawlessly at resizing, registering and stacking. It does what Registar does plus nearly everything else. The only thing I would add is, it's not hard to use, but will take a little bit of working to get what you want. Once you get the hang of it, it's very simple.
  9. I have to say those are really rather good Neil. Looking forward to how you get on with Mono and NB.
  10. I think you are on very much on your own on this one 😉
  11. That’s a fantastic image but Im really curious as to why you are so disgruntled with the pacman name? I read your blog there and you clearly aren’t happy about the PacMan name! The eye of Sauron? That’s a bit more niche and even more naff lol
  12. Looks pretty good indeed. My flats are a lot worse with my scope and 2” filters.
  13. Plus you will be very much over sampling with the 178 at 0.41”/px
  14. I’ve had good success with my 250px scope including using a 12nm Ha filter. My recommendation would be guiding, using a finderscope to guide with to minimise weight. You are prob getting close to limit on the mount. The FOV with the 178 will be a lot smaller. It wouldn’t be my choice
  15. That sounds really good. Any photos?
  16. Great idea. I saw this done before online so I 3D printed my own holder. Because it is so close to the sensor it calibrates ok with flats, but there will be vignetting
  17. I’d say you are in business now Jay. It will be close enough to fine tune later. Post your results here 👍🏼
  18. Thanks Francis. What pixel scale do you get when this combo?
  19. Looks like you were really far out of focus, I’ve circled the two stars visible in your images. You can see the Bhatinov mask. It might be that without some sort of extension tube you can’t get focus or maybe too much extension. Focus on a distant object today in the daylight and that will get you close
  20. Lovely image and a nice FOV. Is that a mosaic or single frame? Did you post full resolution?
  21. You breadth of knowledge never fails to impress me Ciarán. Regarding exposure. Those 300s subs are giving a minimum ADU of 2500!! A tad high. I did 120s tonight and it was at 1300. I still think that’s high.
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