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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thank-you! Normally I don’t mind too much about the weather, but genuinely haven’t had the scope out in a month. Clutching at straws last night, decent enough result for 2 hours though. I’m going to take darks and new flats and reprocess it.
  2. Hi Dave. The sharp star is a nice looking scope I hope it gives good results.
  3. A nicely sized object that filled the FOV at 500mm. Taken with Tak Epsilon 180ed F2.8 and Atik 383L+ mono CCD, on EQ6. I was hardly going to post it but here it is, an unusual object not often imaged. I thought mine might somehow end up looking like the 20 hours images I saw on Astrobin, but sadly it's a long long way away. Here it is anyway, a total of exactly 2 hours of data. I didnt dither (well i did dither every fifth frame, but that didnt really work with the low numbers of subs so it just ended up really noisey in the lum, and there wasnt really any blue data). L - 54 minutes R - 30 minutes G - 27 minutes B - 9 minutes EDITED: I completely reworked this, including using new flat and darks. Happy Xmas and clear skies Adam
  4. This is the first time I noticed the depth to the FishHead Nebula. I never was a huge fan before but this image is next level depth. As for sharpness, I think it's the right amount
  5. Very nice close up. I was looking at this image earlier, and tonight I started imaging B22. It never dawned on me that this was in the middle of B22!
  6. Yes that is really something else. Well done Carole.
  7. Very nice. I like the animation. Happy Xmas to you too 👍🏻
  8. I found this thread and it send someone else has the same issues http://www.astronomyforum.net/telescope-accessories-forum/201617-hitec-mount-hub-pro.html
  9. I bought a used Tak with a Moonlite autofocuser. I’m not sure if there are setting up procedures that need to be done, but as it stands i dont think the behaviour of the focuser is right. If anyone can comment I would be very grateful. 1) range of travel of my focuser goes from around 2500 to around 3800 steps 2) if I set the focuser to a position above 3800 steps it maxes out the focus travel, the drawtube can’t move any more and I can see the silver wheel still turning. This actually causes APT to crash. It does the same on inward travel, if I set the position to 2500 or less. 3) I measured the movement using callipers. In 550 (2900-3450) steps it moves the drawtube 9.4mm. This works out at 17 microns per step. Moonlite says it moves 4 microns per step or 2 microns per half step. My scope has a CFZ of 10 microns. It looks like I need better accuracy they what I’m achieving currently. 4) I’m using a hitec astro MHP V3 to control the focuser vis ascom. I don’t have a Moonlite controller so I have no access to Moonlite control (as far as I am aware). Am I missing some settings maybe? The focuser software I’m using is APT. I understand drawtubes are different lengths so can the focuser be calibrated? Ir is it even necessary? When I connect the focuser it says range 0-65k (can’t remember the exact value) - how come my range is somewhere between 2500-3800? Any help or input welcomed Adam.
  10. Mark, I also still suffer from stiffness in my dec axis, when the clutch is opened (or even removed altogether). Even with 15kg on it it doesn't spin that freely. Im still getting guiding at 0.6 or less RMS in dec axis, sometimes no corrections are needed over extended periods of time. But it's very hard to balance effectively. I do it by feel but I cant be sure if it's balanced. I sanded down the inside of my Dec bell housing but I think I should have went more when I did it. Never had an issues with my clutch though.
  11. Nice idea and well executed 👍🏼
  12. I’ve noticed this too and I’m a non observer. It’s just not as vibrant. I show my kids Orion any time it’s clear so that’s how I’ve seen it
  13. A great simple click of the report function to draw it the moderators attention would suffice, and certainly avoid getting people’s backs up.
  14. tooth_dr


    Amazing what can be achieved. You do a great job with your kit.
  15. That’s unreal! I only bought my solar scope in 2017, and have thought about selling it on several occasions. However if I can expect views like that in the next 5 years I’ll keep it!
  16. tooth_dr


    I love that uncropped version, the brown nebulosity really draws the eye into the centre
  17. This might make a real nice camera for the 180ed? @Allinthehead
  18. @Xiga I think you might be onto something. M31 to me just seemed to be lacking something in terms of ‘depth’ when I looked at it. Yours looks just that bit different 👍🏼
  19. Yes this is totally stunning. The spiral structure is better than I've seen before. Looks almost like it's moving. I would really like to see your workflow - if I get 20% as good as this I'll be happy.
  20. What an image MG. Fantastic! The 40d is formidable
  21. Thanks brilliant Mick, really nice detail coming through.
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