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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Lol honestly JOC? (Also Gazumping is where you offer more to outbid another buyer)
  2. I totally agree. If it’s reasonable (again subjective) I’ll buy it. If it’s overpriced (also subjective) and it’s an item I’m after i will make a reasonable offer. I see buying and selling as a 2 way process, there is trust at both ends, and some negotiation is inevitable! There is one user on here that constantly makes low offers via posts on threads and it is a bit tiresome.
  3. I really like your posts. Your images are just so unusual and clearly extremely challenging.
  4. For the record and benefit of others, you aren’t referring to me with regards to your previous post about insulting offers.
  5. Bargaining is part and parcel of life over in sunny NI. Be it buying shoes or a sofa, local shops tend to give a few quid off, if you ask. Same for buying (non-astro) stuff from the classifies over here If I like an astro item on here and I think it’s close to the ‘right’ price I’ll politely ask if it’s for sale and would an offer of £x be any good - the price I’m prepared to pay which is reasonable. I never low-ball. The seller can come back and meet somewhere in the middle or just say no. If I see an advert saying absolutely or strictly no offers, it kind of puts me off if I’m honest.
  6. Stunning, you have the processing down to a fine art. Very 3d.
  7. Robin A calibrated single sub would be useful. This would show if the flats are causing it or if it's a stacking issue, or some other issue. Do you normalise your data or correct light pollution?
  8. Thanks Ciarán. Happy new year to you and the family too. Hopefully you get a few sessions between parenting this year too 👍🏻
  9. Thanks Carole. There are a few luminance only images that bump it up.
  10. After seeing a few threads with people posting their 2019 images, I thought I'd have a go at mine. More than I thought and some better than others! In no particular order, here are them all. Thanks for a great year and a great forum, the help I have received has been invaluable. Clear skies Adam.
  11. Thanks, now on the latest version, and although the focusing graph looked ok it was a good few steps out. I hope to crack this one when the weather plays ball.
  12. Really nice Carole. Looks well joined together.
  13. Nice images of the iconic winter sites! 👍🏼
  14. What incredible detail! Inspirational images like this make me hopeful for 2020!
  15. I never know what to write without sounding stupid! The texture in the flame and details in the tadpoles - exquisite 👍🏼
  16. Thanks. That is something that I need to look into to - how to save a mosaic plan.
  17. Totally clouded out with thin cloud, the sort you can see the brighter stars through. I wouldn’t have imaged at all only I wanted to get SGP working. Conditions were indeed poor
  18. Thanks for explaining it! Makes sense. I only lost the 5 clear hours where the cloud disappeared 😭
  19. Thanks Wim. And just looking at that, a 2x4 mosaic would probably give a more pleasing ratio.
  20. I have a dome to put up, waiting for weather to improve, that will be my big project of 2020. Scopes - no plans to upgrade. Cameras - often think about chopping in my two 8300s and buying one single bigger better camera. Mount - threatening to upgrade the EQ6 but I think it’s sufficient for my needs. Better the devil you know. I did a rejig this year of my kit selling off scopes and DSLRs etc so wouldn’t say I have an excess of stuff
  21. This is my first time using SGPro, and despite lots of issues with platesolving (now resolved I think), I managed to do a quick 6 panel mosaic of the California Nebula. Total integration time 1 hour 53 minutes, approx 20 minutes per panel. The sky wasnt clear, but sort of suitable for testing and getting used to new software. If SGPro works as intended I'm looking forward to doing some mosaics with it and the 180εd CS Adam.
  22. Thanks to both of you. I have the latest version downloaded now Is it easy to get a free upgrade to windows 10?
  23. Thanks Julian. I'm using an EQ6 with EQMOD. I just checked my Alignment/Sync user interface - it was set to Append on Sync. Do you think that would cause the issue? I did clear all the data as advised before and maybe that helped it work initially, but I notice that the count kept going up. Log attached - i'm new to the software so I did a fair bit of faffing around setting it up. The last crash was after 2am. sg_logfile_20191230193937.txt SG Pro - latest version downloaded on the 28th Dec Version Windows 7 Pro Thanks for your time Adam.
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