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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Thanks Mick. Can’t wait to get out again of it ever clears up.
  2. Lovely! Sean’s right. It looks really chunky then you realise it’s compact. I was advised not to rotate anyway once collimated as it may lose collimation in the process! Looking forward to seeing this in action.
  3. https://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p8985_TS-Optics-Filter-Holder-for-1-25--filter-to-T2-threads---10-mm-length.html That item ^^^
  4. Hi Tom, thanks! Into the camera screws a male M42 - male M42 adapter than can hold a 1.25" filter cell. I then use a female M42 - female M42 adapter to attach this to a M42 male to Nikon lens adapter. Hope that makes sense.
  5. Thank-you Rodd! Yes total 84 minutes. The six panels had the following exposure, limited by cloud, had to chuck out 8 subs of the total 54 I took. 180s subs, using a Baader H-alpha filter. QHY9 KAF-8300 mono CCD, on a Nikon 180mm F2.8 lens, stopped down to F4.0 1) 9 mins 2) 9 mins 3) 15 mins 4) 15 mins 5) 18 mins 6) 18 mins
  6. I agree here. I had the same eggy stars in my second ED80 on occasions. It was due to not tightening the scope rings fully in the second scope after I had removed it on one occasion. It sounds like a mounting issue between the scopes.
  7. I tried three times, including getting an extension from the developers. I couldn't get to grips with it. In fact I just bought it because I know how good it is from reading reviews and feedback from users. It still doesn't feel 'right' yet BUT I've over the hump now and have got to grips with it. I totally understand your pain, and if it isn't needed then APT is perfect. I just needed a better focus routine and mosaic wizard. If APT offered those I would switch back as I still may end up needing synchronised dithering.
  8. Looking at the photo again it's hard to tell, but I think you are right, it looks like it only holds Vixen. So apologies for that. I still think that the upgrades are unnecessary at this stage. I happily used vixen for 10 years, and only changed to Losmandy because I bought a scope that came with it.
  9. It’s ok to disagree! But the clamp included with the HEQ5 does both vixen and losmandy so there is no real benefit to upgrading it
  10. I just changed the saddle on my EQ6 to the one that comes with the HEQ5 and it’s 100% adequate at its purpose of holding a telescope on a dovetail. In my opinion @SimM Simon would be better placed using the £136 towards buying a Rowan belt modded HEQ5 if he wants to get into AP, or even the EQ6 which would hold a bigger scope better. Possibly replace the saddle in the future if deemed necessary! Thats just my view!
  11. Thanks, yes I’m using APP. Took a bit of fiddling with the settings due to strong gradient from the moon but I got there!
  12. Image 1 is resized to 1000px Image 2 shows the six panels Image is full size processed I took this using a Nikon 180mm F2.8 lens at F4.0 A 1.25” 7nm H alpha filter was inserted into the adapter between the CCD camera and the lens. The very large moon was close by so far from ideal! 3 minute subs - total exposure time for whole mosaic is 84 minutes. Panels are between 9-18 minutes. Looking forward to a good clear spell to get some decent integration time.
  13. Lovely Mick, I agree with Dave, definitely up there with your best.
  14. @Peje I have one of these, but cant remember if the glass can be easily removed. If it can, just use some sandpaper, and take 1-2 mm of the height of it, then follow the advise above.
  15. Hi I can’t find any threads but I’m sure there are some. I want to control focus of a lens with my skywatcher autofocuser. Looking for some help in designing this. TIA Adam
  16. @Dr_Ju_ju @Starflyer @symmetal Last night I had a chance to do a brief test with the new settings recommended above. I didn't have my telescope as the hub is away getting updated, so I used a 180mm lens attached to my QHY9 with a 1.25" filter inside an adapter. SGPro worked 100%, and each time only required a single move to get to each panel centre within 30px. Can't thank you all enough for helping me out. I've attached just a test stitching below. There is a rogue, I had initially planned a 4 panel mosaic, but switched to 6 after the first sub. Adam.
  17. Genuine question - is there any point in spending several £1000s on a new mount if imaging is going to become impossible in the not too distant future?
  18. My MHP is away getting updated. And of course it was partially clear. I threw this together with some cable ties. 180mm lens with QHY9, and 1.25” h alpha filter screwed inside one of the adapters.
  19. @Rusted thanks! A little cryptic but I think you are saying a bent pier isn’t good?
  20. Thank Dave. Yes I’ve seen it and been chatting to him
  21. Thanks Peter. This mount is an investment for the future, and I can hope to increase the payload by adding a bigger scope in a few years. Sounds like something to consider
  22. Hi Dave Thanks for your reply. I have just started using SGPro - literally set it up not fully used it in anger. I have no issues with flips. Currently what I do is plate solve after the meridian crossing and it repositions itself. But it all happens 100% with no cable issues so no reason to go a step further. I only thought that using a bent pier might be worth the initial hassle of planning and building. But I don’t know his much offsetting it needs as I don’t know the dimensions. A guy that I know has offered to make my pier, I just need to send him the specs. I guess the bottom line is - do I need or want a bent pier. If not then it would certainly make my life easier, and cheaper. The only issue is ‘FOMO’
  23. Hi Sean. That was my plan. To choose targets so that the opening is on the opposite side of the wind. I usually didn’t lose many subs with my ED80 rig, but the reflector is much more susceptible to wind.
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