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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Definitely need a master class on processing. The background looks too dark and the stars too big 🤦🏼
  2. Quite astounding! Your dedication to each and every picture you produce pays off. This is a stunner. I've never really been that drawn to M78, but this is whole you take on it for me.
  3. LRGB image. Data collected using the Takahashi Epsilon and Atik 383L+ camera, with Baader LRGB 2" filters, in an Atik EFW3, on a belt modded EQ6-pro, guided with finderguider and ZWO 120MM After stacking I realised that the focus was off, but decided to process anyway, total exposure time 8 hours 33 minutes, collected on 17th and 18th January 2020. Software: SGPro, processed in APP and PS. Lum 128 x 3 mins Red 15 x 2 mins + 13 x 3 mins Green 15 x 2 mins Blue 15 x 2 mins Any feedback welcomed. Adam. New version added (bottom image)
  4. Anyone recommend a modest upgrade for this scope? I also don’t like the way the whole imaging kit is held on by just a couple of thumbscrews. I’m not sure how much back focus I have, maybe a Baader clicklock would be an option?
  5. Very very nice. What a lot of detail, and just over 5 and a half hours.
  6. Colour and texture spot on! This is on my radar sometime in the future. Spectacular shot
  7. Once you get to use light pollution removal tool and mosaic registration I’m fairly certain you will see the value in this product 👍🏼
  8. Very nice Carole! Did you crop out the nearby edge on galaxy?
  9. Super Sean, really nice change to see these small objects. I tried the eskimo myself, got some detail, but it really is mighty small.
  10. Fantastic image, caught at just the right time!
  11. What sort of FL are we talking here! That's pretty freaking awesome Geof.
  12. That was concerned of mine also, but I just have the band on both moving and non-moving parts, and it doesn't seem to move the focus, as long as the lead is not hanging down.
  13. Just a regular dew band designed for a 2" eyepiece. My Newtonian secondary dewed over the last night I was out, luckily the wifes hairdryer cleared it. A dew shield on my DSLR wouldn't be enough especially at higher dec targets.
  14. I couldn't image very long without a dewband on my DSLR. I use one wrapped around the lens, with the lead held up around the body to avoid it trailing. This is my SA setup. I'm not sure what other options you have TBH?
  15. Hi Martin Nice saddle! Why did you have to order it separately?
  16. Fantastic. Really nice to look at zoomed in.
  17. I cut the box. However my scope despite having a 180mm mirror it has in fact a 250mm tube so it kinda doesn’t work out great, never thought before I ordered A4 size 🤦🏼
  18. A tracing pad on Amazon for about £15 is ideal.
  19. I have joined down to 12% including meridian flips, I only started doing mosaics in the past few weeks so this info is still fresh in my mind. Anyway I'll not derail the thread, it's a spectacular image as it sits!
  20. I find I have to run 'normal' normalisation in mosaic mode of it doesn't work, some error comes up. I recently built a PC specifically for processing, to the best I could afford to put into it, after chatting to Mabula about spec. It does a good job. My previous processing computer was a laptop and it often took hours, where now it takes minutes. How much overlap do you have?
  21. If I'm doing a mosaic, I let APP do all the work, I don't process separately and then assemble. Tick the MBB box and see if that helps. If you increase the levels of normalisation it might help to remove joins.
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