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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. With a DSLR I couldn't have done it, but the photo below shows how much focus travel I have to spare, this is with CCD and EFW2
  2. Hi Paul I got a clicklock today, so that should do the trick. Adam
  3. Thanks David! I have nylon tipped bolts, so may be not worry about it at all, I'm not overly concerned about a few marks on the CW shaft.
  4. I don’t actually know how they come but Bern said he wound provide modest packaging to get it home safely, so probably a bit of bubble wrap and a cardboard box?? There was the option of purchasing delivery packaging as Jonk says, but it wasn’t really necessary in my case, and the cost was not insignificant.
  5. Sorry David my question was very vague. I plan to bore our my current counterweight to 40mm but then Jonk suggested they could marr the Mesu shaft. So I thought a plastic liner would work. Im trying to source 40mm ID sleeves
  6. That's great new Robin. You wont regret it. I spent a few months doing light pollution removal incorrectly. It is worth taking time and watching the tutorials the website.
  7. Thanks Richard, that's very kind. Once I get my mount up and running I'll get in touch, will be 1-2 months time.
  8. A big paperweight some Dutch guy knocked up in his garage 😂
  9. Cheers Richard. I’ll keep my eyes open. I have a D800E which I probably should try out on it to see how I fair out, as a couple of guys with a 180ed are using a similar Nikon.
  10. I have an epsilon as well, and it does require some skill to collimate and focus. Richard can not only do this, but is a skilled image processor too. His images are making me very seriously consider a OSC.
  11. There is £500 off one here https://www.firstlightoptics.com/offers/offer_takahashi-epsilon-130-ed-f3-3-newtonian-astrograph-reflector_130782.html
  12. Never occurred to me that it could be incorporated into PS. That would be great.
  13. My advice, as a user of a 2009 EQ6-pro, is that it’s still a perfectly good mount. Imaging with a telescope and autoguider is different from what your currently doing with a lens. I would suggest spending a season getting to grips with that and if you notice any issues then consider modifying it.
  14. That is possibly the coolest set of images I have seen. Hats off to you for an incredible accomplishment.
  15. Hi Sean If I use a DSLR and don't dither I get this, but if I dither between exposures, it isn't there. I don't know what causes it but I don't think it's to do with you saddle. Adam
  16. Thanks Alan. I'm sure there is a correlation between bad weather and purchases! Fingers crossed for a few clear night in the future.
  17. Also wondering where to get 40mm ID sleeves to line my CWs?
  18. Will do that! Thanks Jon 👍🏼
  19. Thanks Paul. I‘m trying my best, hope I can do it justice.
  20. Thanks David. I should do that, he’s been very quick to reply in the past few weeks.
  21. After a few final confirmations of details from @steppenwolf and @Jonk and @Skipper Billy I decided to go ahead and order the mount and wedge from Bern at MA. I was keen on the bent knee pier, but when all was considered, I decided to stick with a standard pier. SGPro does my meridian flips currently with no issues, and the standard pier is easier to make, and easier to fit into the observatory. For anyone ordering one from Northern Ireland, delivery is a bit of an issue. The mounts don't come packaged, so this has to be factored into the cost, along with carriage and insurance. Luckily enough I was able to call in a favour from two friends, one collected it off Bern, and the other is driving it from London to Northern Ireland. The mount is currently in London in my friends garage, so I haven't seen it yet, but my friend send my a couple of photos (one below). It should arrive with me in NI on the 10th February. As such I was hoping to make a few preparations prior to arrive, and looking for some answers. - does anyone have a template/measurements for the wedge base plate so I can adapt a spare pier mounting plate that I have here? - I have a serial port on my PC, does the Mesu plug directly into this, and is then controlled using software via this cable? I'll probably have more questions once I get the mount, but want to try to get as much ready before it arrives. I plan to mount it on my current concrete pier temporarily until I build my dome and build a new metal pier. I'll post more updates when the mount arrives. Thanks Adam.
  22. What I was suggesting is that the distance between the CC and CCD plane isn’t exactly what it should be. That might be 55 or 57mm for example.
  23. @Peje I think Pete has some experience with this scope and CCs? Nice image though @SamuraiOZ hope you get the issue sorted. A quick look at the star shapes suggests that the spacing isnt quite right.
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