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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. My used pulsar dome came with the Shelyak system. I didn’t check this before I bought it, and was expecting the panel that is on their website. Sinces it going to be entirely PC controlled I don’t really need the control panel I guess. I have a large box of wires and no instructions, and no idea basically so looking for pointers on getting both hardware and software setup 😣 I would like the dome tracking the scope for imaging, including after MFs, and shutter control at any point of dome rotation in case it rains.
  2. Then you can download images either off the memory card through the camera (no card reader needed) or save directly onto the laptop during acquisition and bypass the card completely.
  3. If Anthony is planning on controlling the camera with a PC, then that cable can be used to download the image, or with APT the images can be recorded directly onto the PC harddrive.
  4. I use my 40d with APT and it’s great. Bulb exposures via USB, liveview etc. But all Canons from this era onwards will do this. I took the following images with a canon 40d on an ED80
  5. To be honest I had two 40d running side by side, one with 6k and one with 70k, there was no difference in the quality of the images. The shutter sounded slightly lazier in the higher shutter count, but it doesn’t really matter when you’re taking 300s exposures. You should be happy with either.
  6. 40d - plenty of ebay. £80, shutter count 80k. Plenty of life in it still and when you get bored of it, you’ll still get your money back (or maybe lose a tenner at most) https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F174184563516
  7. A picture would have saved you a lot of trouble as the spacer was your problem and we would have picked up on that. There is no need to wait, you can (and should) get it to close focus during the day. Simple point the finderscope (detached from telescope if easier) at a distant object e.g. trees or house and get it focused. Then at night you will be very close to the desired focus position. Let us know how you get on.
  8. There isn’t much in it at 2007 and 2008. The 40d is a very good camera. The bigger magnesium body of the 40d might help it run a bit cooler inside.
  9. Please post photos of the camera end side on. My 120MM is touching the metal of the finder.
  10. Wow that’s is simply incredible. I would print that out. It’s just perfect.
  11. Very good Chris. Taking flats in the dark is important for when long exposures are required
  12. I see you’re sorted! I have a 120mm and a 178, and a lunt 60mm, and was wondering what you we’re doing wrong.
  13. A fantastic rendition 👍🏼 Nice scope and camera combo.
  14. Amazing. Venus was shining brightly tonight.
  15. I use a 120MM and a 9x50 finder with a C adapter. This one below - it doesnt have a flange like your and so screws a bit further into the body of the finder. You flip the locking ring 180deg and this will give you more travel too.
  16. I chased this up on the NEMETODE network, and a member Ray Taylor from the north of England posted this video it! A bright one 20200203Fireball_233422UT_SkNE.mov
  17. Nice Job Mick, looks a lot better now. Nice colour in the galaxy itself. I struggle with that.
  18. Looks really good Mick, the spikes bring out the star colours nicely. Wouldnt be to my taste, they just are too sharp. Maybe soften them a bit..
  19. I'm not an expert on this topic, but I do have some experience. I think you will struggle with sensitivity, and only capture the very brightest of meteors. My current setup is a Watec 902, and with an 8mm F0.8 lens I can get down to +4 magnitude meteors. These dim ones are by far the most common. Very occasionally the odd very bright one is recorded, but it's so infrequent. I use UFOcapture software, but it wont work with the QHY camera. As an all sky camera, it would probably work ok with something like SharpCap.
  20. Would anyone know if the CW hole is fully threaded?
  21. What are the intentions for the meteor camera? Do you want it to trigger on detecting a meteor? Or just record a series of XX second videos all night? I might be wrong but I don't think that the QHY is supported in Allskyeye?
  22. Found it https://www.astroshop.eu/other-spare-parts/omegon-m8x55-screw-for-eq-5-counterweight/p,51422
  23. Could I use a fully threaded nylon-tipped bolt here? Do anyone know if it's threaded the whole way through? Adam.
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