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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. It’s a custom made adapter, M54 threaded on the outside of it to go into the EFW. The EFW plate is 3mm thick and i can go through by 2mm and still clear the filters. I have gained 5mm here. I will post a picture up of it.
  2. I don’t understand how noise in the light frame moves relative to the dark frame? The sensor is exactly the same for both. Dirhering moves around the light signal on the sensor between exposures but the noise signal stays in the same place. Software recognises this and removes these outliers. My understanding - use darks to remove noise from subs prior to stacking and then the dithering, via sigma stacking, removes other/remaining noise.
  3. Hi Helen That lens is not going to be very good. It’s F1.4 at 3.5mm, and much slower at 8mm. This will have a significant impact on the meteors you can detect. That’s the only thing about this type of imaging - you really need to invest in a good fast lens. Other then that your kit looks perfect. If you are interested in changing the lens then myself or @JeremyS could definitely give you a few recommendations.
  4. It’s very tight, I should have the adapter ready this week so hopefully it works
  5. Hi Lee, yes the same lens. I’m currently trying to get my EFW2 between it and the 383 at the right spacing.
  6. The moon is a big issue for Oiii.
  7. Hi Robin The only thing that moves when you dither is the position of where the signal ie your target DSO, hits the chip. Doing both dithering and darks isn’t counterproductive. There is no need to choose one or the other since taking darks with your 383L can be done any time and used later. Some folks don’t use darks but with your camera, I would suggest continuing to use darks.
  8. This has puzzled me. Why would this be any different to imaging in an area of low light pollution with a luminance filter?
  9. That is pretty special looking. I'm really looking forward to getting my KAF8300 attached to my 180mm lens after seeing this.
  10. That's pretty awesome Mick. The Ha has paid off.
  11. That will look nice set up together. Health to enjoy.
  12. I agree! And since I’ve been fettling with my kit, I’m finding data that I had planned to add to from a few months ago is now no good due to mis-alignment of diffraction spikes etc.
  13. I would find that 8 hours is a sweet spot for my images, and it's probably no coincidence there is 8 hours here.
  14. This is one of mine, attached to the obsy using a standard bracket: You should get one of these too: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F233194107644 Software, V2 not the HD version: http://sonotaco.com/soft/e_index.html
  15. The 300d also can’t do long exposures without a serial port cable. It will be limited to 30s. If you look on eBay you’ll find even the 40d can be got for very little. My current 40d was £39 delivered. There was a bent pin inside with the card slot. It works 100% now. But even with a fault memory card slot, images are stored directly on the pc. I had a 300d, and I modified it with the Baader glass. Decent camera but old old now.
  16. I like that a lot! Done something similar myself recently but yet to test it.
  17. I looked at acetal too, didn’t think it was too bad for small bits
  18. Here are what mine look like so far. Centre hole widened, nylon bushing and shot blasted. SW EQ6 -> Mesu 200
  19. I have opted for nylon bushes. I thought about no bushes too, or even aluminium, but nylon was available and is suitable for the job.
  20. Now connecting! After a few hours of testing etc, it came down to wiring. Thankfully it is now communicating.
  21. Fantastic. Never tire of great HH images.
  22. Cant seem to get the Shelyak controller to connect to the PC. Sometimes the message says Error read = 1 and sometimes = 0. I've tried a USB to SERIAL, and SERIAL directly, no joy. I've assigned the right COM port. Any pointers?
  23. Your file titles say ‘1’ and O3 and Sii. I had to decide if it was really NB or a typo or a labelling issue. I don’t think I’ve come across anyone imaging M51 in narrowband only. Seems possible but very unusual. I had a look at the files and unsurprisingly there isn’t much data in the two of the channels. How long were the subs? How many of each? What scope? My phone doesn’t give me your signature so a guiding of 1.5 could be ok depending on the scope
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