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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. tooth_dr


    Very pleasing images Rodd.
  2. Here is what my 120 usb2 does frequently. I don’t think it’s fixable, so considering a new guidecam. I would like it to work as an OAG as well as finderscope guider. Any suggestions? I have a colour ZWO 178, would it be any use? I was planning on using it as an all sky camera, so probably just be better getting a good guide cam. I image at 500mm and 1200mm with a KAF-8300 5.4um pixels, sampling at 2.2 and 0.9”/px respectively.
  3. @Jkulin I think John uses these and really likes them
  4. The 1.25" eyepiece adapter screws into this. I have the same focuser arrangement on my 250px. I don't know the thread side but that is it's purpose.
  5. Thanks Jon for your patience. I will check, but all connectors came plugged in on purchase so I didnt touch or even look at them. I am quite sure the init* went correctly, and it was tracking ok after sync. *(What does init mean?)
  6. Cloudy (95%) - found arcturus and syncd on it. Then when I moved to park I get an Encoder error on both axis. I have read the help file and it says this is due to not ticking ignore. From the Sitech Help File: "Az/Ra Encdr Track Err: We get a lot of callson thisone, and the answer isso simple. In SiTechExe/Config/ChangeConfig/Scope Encoders, you don't have "Ignore" selected. So, let'sassume for the moment, that you do have a scope encoder on your Primary (Azimuth or Right Ascension) axis. For some reason, the scope encoder angle doesn't agree with the motor encoder angle by 10 deg's. Don't thinkof it asa nuisance, it'sprotecting your equipment. Best thing to do isclickon the FeaturesTab, then clickon "ControllerStuff". Take a lookat your Primary AxisMotor Angle and the Scope Encoder angle. You'll see that they're different by more than 10 deg's. Nowuse the handpad and move your primary axiswith the right button. What should happen isthe angle for the motor increases, and the angle for the scope encoder also increases. If the scope encoder decreases, then you have the scope encoder configured backwards. Use ServoConfig to fix this. If the scope encoder isn't moving, then you have an encoder or wiring problem, or maybe a mechanical problem (scope movesbut encoder isn't turning). If the angleschange, but they are changing differently, you probably have the TICKS Per Rev configured wrong. Use ServoConfig to correct. Al/Dec Encdr Track Err: Same asAz/Ra Encdr TrackErr, except for your secondary axis." I have polite ticked and 10 degrees set Any help welcomed.
  7. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRAND-NEW-STARTECH-4200USBM-MOUNTABLE-4-PORT-RUGGED-INDUSTRIAL-USB-HUB/111929408041?hash=item1a0f833a29:g:TY4AAOSw9N1Vu7EH These are pretty decent, I have two of them.
  8. It's forecasting it to be clear tonight, so I'm hoping to try the mount out with just a DSLR / lens attached and a guidescope. It currently keeps flashing that it is below horizon limit (or something like that, cant recall exact phrase) in the sitech message box. I'm not totally sure how to go about addressing that. How do I force it to update it's position?
  9. I'll send you a copy via email if you want Jon. Send me a PM with your email.
  10. I think the three grub screws are for attaching the Atik OAG directly to the EFW2 base plate.
  11. That’s very nice! Do you have a link to your scope?
  12. This booklet came with my mount. It was supposed to be clear this evening but it wasn’t. I followed the setting up as per Steve’s guide for the mk one version and hope to get a clear night soon to test it out.
  13. The only thing that’s changed is how it’s displayed on your screen/PC. Nothing else is different. As @happy-kat says turn off autorotate and problem solved. It won’t cause weird multiple diffraction spikes. My 40d did this and turning off auto rotate cured the display issues.
  14. Thanks Dave, I will look now. I read the instructions a few weeks ago, but didn't recall that.
  15. Thanks Jon. I saved the existing horizon file and then removed it from the settings. I also updated my coordinates. I’ll try syncing it tonight. I’ll point it at M42 and go from there. Anything else to update? Cant add any more equipment until I get the CWs back. Might try my DSLR tonight as I should get away with that. Someone said to save the default SiTech settings. How do I do that?
  16. tooth_dr


    If that’s true, that’s insane.
  17. It’s looks great Geoff. The image scale is impressive.
  18. With a few clear patches being forecast I tried to make some progress. Last night I had the mount secured by one bolt, and I got a rough polar alignment done. I marked the other two holes in the steel plate. Today I drilled them out and fitted the 3 x M12 bolts. I made up a better holder for my guidecamera using some off cut from a dovetail and redid my polar alignment. It was 2.5 degrees out so took a bit of adjusting but the configuration between the wedge and mount allowed for this, with some to spare. I got it hooked up to the pc and was able to move it. Lots of parameters still to setup - looks like a guy called Pat tested it outside Portland, USA. Unfortunately it wouldn’t track. A few minutes later I removed the mount limits and the mount started tracking. PHD2 - it connects but wouldnt move the guide star to calibrate. The mount says - below horizon limits. Before I could do any more it started snowing so I packed up. Im guessing it needs a plate solve to tell it where it’s at. Unfortunately I can’t do much more until my CWs get finished, as I don’t fancy hanging too much off my homemade bar 😂
  19. Very different! Nice 👍🏼
  20. Look like a collimation issue rather than tracking. Why don’t you give collimation a go, as the scope is out of alignment already, and there isn’t anything to lose in trying 👍🏼
  21. Slow progress, weather and waiting on CWs. I did do a quick polar alignment tonight to allow me to drill the 2nd and 3rd hole in the pier adapter plate. The three bolts between the wedge and mount are surprising easy and accurate to use. The wedge is for 52deg, and works fine at 54deg.
  22. Packaging’s packaging but this looked like the contents of a bin emptied into box
  23. Nice shot Don. I have a D800E but haven’t hooked it up to a telescope yet. What ISO did you use?
  24. The RMS is one, but the RA peak to peak is over 4. How much of an impact of this likely to have on the star shapes?
  25. Quick update - I’ve been playing around this evening and I think I’m there now. The back focus is very very tight. Ive rearranged spacers, and turned the M54-M42 adapters inside out on the EFW2 (sitting flush with the surface) to get me the right spacing with as much of the kit actually inside the focuser as possible. I also moved the mirror up as far as it could go and recollimated it. I now have 1mm focuser travel to spare, when focusing on a light about 2 miles away. How this will translate to infinity I don’t know but hopefully it will be close. I can get another 1mm if I really needed it by taking a little lip off the clicklock but hopefully I don’t have to go that! I also tried out using a newly purchased phone adapter, to help check collimation, via camera. Some pictures:
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