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Luke last won the day on April 25 2015

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  1. After using Photoshop since I think 1999 (I still have the disc for version 5.5!), I have switched to GIMP lately! (I can't justify buying Photoshop at the moment while out of work).

    I am just starting to feel a bit more at home in GIMP. It seems very capable, but of course does some things differently. I wonder how many folks here use GIMP? Or does Photoshop rule the roost? Are other image editors also popular? Do you like GIMP? Hate it?

    So far what I like best about GIMP might be the G'MIC plugins. There look to be a bunch of useful things in there, I have started using some of the sharpening tools it has. And Split Details looks fascinating, where it breaks your image up into multiple layers with different details, making it easy to focus on certain details of your image.

    I also quite like GIMP's curve editor. Feels a bit more roomy to me than Photoshop's.


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