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Luke last won the day on April 25 2015

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  1. Another fairly rubbish weekend for solar here, that's three in a row. At least I got something yesterday, though I can't recall the last time I ended an imaging session with more hard drive space than I started with :D On the BIG plus, the sun is getting higher, solar brekky is closer, and Foul Feb ends soon. Roll on Magnificent March!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pig


      Those hot & sunny lazy solar days are fantastic, especially so when combined with the wine marinated melon cubes aaaaahhhhhhheaven :-) I cant wait

    3. Luke


      I thought you were off the grape juice, Shaun? :D I have really missed observing Sol in warm conditions, it's just bliss and I can't wait. This year I will make sure the cat does not eat my breakfast, that was a bit of a low point of last year :-o Wonder how many times she'd had a nibble before. Ughh, sorry folks!

    4. Pig


      I will resist only until summertime Luke :-)

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