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Luke last won the day on April 25 2015

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  1. Hoping to grab me some lunar shots with the SCT tonight. Off work tomorrow, late night is on! :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Earl


      I managed 8 panes before bedtime routine, then it clouded out.

    3. Luke


      Sorry to hear that, Earl. How many panes were you going for? I hope I have grabbed a full disc in three tiles with my Edge 8. I have tried using the 0.7x Celestron reducer double stacked with a 0.5x reducer on the camera nosepiece. It looked okay on the lappy screen at the time, though it was late and I had to test some rum first. Was a bit nippy out, shoudda had the rum after!!

    4. Pig


      Unfortunately I didn't get time Luke, the weekend is looking promising though :-)

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