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Everything posted by jabeoo1

  1. jabeoo1

    photo 1 2

    From the album: Solar Eclipse

    Note the nice prominence.
  2. No complaints from me about the Lunt 50 (Used single stacked). I speak as an observer only, and have never done a side by side comparison. The true joy for me of this scope is keeping the image scale down and sharpness of features as high as possible, its then I have done 1 hour almost non stop viewing. I like the views it gives at ~ x 23 which gives you a nice balance. However this scope is more than capable of useful magnifications into the high 40's - 50. I do this type of observation on interesting features on both disc and limb. However I find this type of viewing is never sustained for long periods of time. I find that for night time planetary viewing & solar, sacrificing image scale for sharpness is much more important. Given my own personal viewing habits each 25mm of aperture gives a very comfortable & sustainable ~ x12.5 view, with that in mind it makes me want a Lunt 80 more than the Lunt 60, a Lunt 100 more than an 80 etc etc. Very addictive...be aware
  3. This is pure class mate. I am following this thread now. One day I would love to have a go at grinding a blank. Lots of respect from me on this to you.
  4. jabeoo1


  5. jabeoo1


    From the album: Birdseye

  6. Your columns are really nice to read, and are full of very great advice coupled with good old common sense. Excellent stuff Andy, thanks. James
  7. Just wanted to say I popped into FLO today. Needed to see if a new RA finder would be compatible with my current finder bracket. Took bracket in & staff member (sorry his name escapes me) helped me fit it. Had a nice chat and a joke or two then left. I did not even have to pay for the item up front ! ! Was told to take it away & pay later once I was happy with it. This company has great trust in their clients & very good customer service. Nice to know we all must be a trustworthy bunch of lovely people on SGL and beyond. Does honesty and astronomy really have a positive correlation ? Cheers FLO.
  8. That was great fun to read. Look forward to the next one :)
  9. jabeoo1

    Info overload!

    I have a shed, but my girlfriend may object to you in the house.............................or the shed :)
  10. jabeoo1

    Info overload!

    Hi Andrew, These dilemmas will perpetuate towards eyepieces once you have a scope, so don't fear the enjoyment is here to stay ! I started with a 10inch dob and love it (1st scope), then I managed to get a secondhand Edmund Scientific Astroscan which is a neat 4.5inch grab and go (2nd scope). I have more than my eye on the 50mm Ha solar scope (3rd scope when its released / 1st frac !). Lastly (and I really mean lastly) I frequently drool over an ivory televue 85 and when time and funds allow plan on this as my last scope. Its obvious each scope has strengths and weakness, these details can / are debated into ever decreasing circles. Different kit excels in different ways for sure & I personally don't get too sucked in to the frac vs newt arm wrestle as a taste of both sides is a clear advantage, however & back to my first scope, have you ever priced up a 10 inch APO? :) http://www.astromart.com/classifieds/details.asp?classified_id=653636 By the way: If you are in Bristol drop me a message as you are welcome to get some hands on views with the 10".
  11. jabeoo1

    Starting out.

    Don't rush into a scope straight away, some binoculars and learning the sky for a year can be very rewarding. Pointing a scope in the right place is much better once you have learned to star hop with the binos massive field of view !
  12. jabeoo1

    Northern Lights

    I was very very lucky with this glimpse. The cloud cover during my visit to Iceland was pretty thick. However on the very last night whilst chatting to some locals outside a pub in Reykjavik this small display met me with surprise.
  13. jabeoo1

    Io Mystery

    I really want someone to be able to throw some light on this topic. I am confused.....Which is normal. Sorry to be of no help at all.
  14. jabeoo1

    Snapshot sun

    Point and shoot of sun through Baader Solar Eclipse Observing Glasses
  15. From the album: Snapshot sun

    Quick experiment taking a snap of the sun with a point and shoot camera on a tripod through eclipse viewing glasses.
  16. Weird you mention this as I was reading about this technique in a book I have called 'Handmade Electronic Music: The Art of Hardware Hacking' by Nicolas Collins. It has a chapter dedicated to doing exactly this. I feel an aerial coming on but its a secret at the moment ! I will try and dig out some details on what the books states another time. It has some very good info in that may be of interest to you. James
  17. I have some trusty Ostara Elinor10 x 50's & I just grabbed a pair of Vixen SG 2.1x42's................I resisted for a month
  18. Nice one Mike, I look forward to hearing how this all works. Interesting addition to a great scope mate ! I had not even heard of this setup until you posted yesterday on it.
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