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Everything posted by jabeoo1

  1. I try and do a bit of running & cycling. I play pool & am learning the piano. I fit astronomy in when the sky and time is right. Another thing is HiFi & turntable (a lovely past time). I often think I could have a few grand in my pocket instead, but then I would never see the planets, moon & stars. Also what would I do with a few grand ? ......apart from spend it on another telescope setup to see the sky again. I would miss it if it wasn't there. I do wish it was used a little more, but it's there and that is comforting.
  2. Like the comments above, if that comes into focus with a prism!........ Put 2 together with 2 prisms and some EP pairs, my bins would be on the sale thread in a blink ! Ultimate travel grab & go
  3. Looking forward to seeing Jupiter tomorrow morning, early start then back to bed!

    1. Knighty2112


      I saw it this morning at 5:30am shining away. Sadly I was in my car driving down the motorway to Bristol for work, so couldn’t enjoy it much more than that alas! Hope you get some good views! :) 

    2. jabeoo1


      Clouds just spoiling the fun at the moment but maybe another gap in a bit.

  4. Gina this project looks exceptional. I can't even begin to understand the details, but it makes me want a 3D printer. Saying that I think I may stick to film photography & scanning. Its always very interesting to see your posts.
  5. 6 months ago I had a viewing session, still waiting to get the second one in of the year :clouds2:

    1. xtreemchaos


      try harder, don't let a bit of rain put you off, I live in wales which is the wetist place in the solar system "maybe universe" and I do astro most days:icon_biggrin:, smash n grabs and hard won views are allways the best.  clear skys , charl.

  6. Sounds dry as a bone Mike. Shame. However looks like a great mount once this is overcome.
  7. You won't regret it, this scope continues to fill me with joy every time it comes to mind, for me it is everything I need.
  8. Itching for those long nights to roll back in !

    1. Knighty2112


      Ditto here too! :) 

  9. I was only looking at this again today, but I can't justify it over my Berlebach & Sabre mount, I think I will just pretend the AZ8 does not exist
  10. http://www.orionoptics.co.uk/MOUNTS/losmandyaz8.html
  11. Venus during daylight, is a brilliant crescent right now.

    1. Knighty2112


      Well done! :) Sadly cloudy here at the moment, so no chance to even think about looking for it!  

    2. jabeoo1


      It is surprisingly easy Gus, give it a go next opportunity :)

  12. Pleasure Mark ! Glad its gone to a lovely new home Rare version with lettering on it that focuser....... its a one off.
  13. Ha fair enough, I suppose the EP's, 4" 'finder scope' & dovetail plate just goes in a rucksack & the red torch in the trouser pockets then? A star chart would be pushing it a bit far really.
  14. Well he has grabbed it, and it looks like he is having a long think about the going bit
  15. Ordered a few items from RVO now and both times service was 1st class. Items arrived within 24 hours of placing order, and stock numbers can be verified over the phone. Another friendly place to shop.
  16. iPeace......Once the decade of cloud clears please do inform us of its superiority over other designs.
  17. Ipeace those look really great I am in the process of going from an old VIxen Porta 1 to a Altair Sabre II on a Berlebach Uni 28. Im also in hope that its a noticeable jump up. I have been wondering for a few years what if, with all these Alt Az mount paraphernalia.
  18. Nice Lunar views tonight, crisp...

    1. Fozzie


      I'll second that.. lovely phase to observe.

  19. Unexpected lovely sunny days are the best this time of year

  20. Viewing report: Ha, Sun:  BLAND

    1. Knighty2112


      And boring! Hehe! Hoping for some activity soon! Sheesh! ;) 

    2. jabeoo1
    3. jabeoo1



  21. 365 Astronomy offered me an excellent service. Zoltan was quick in reply to my questions by email, service was swift and item was accurate. He was happy to measure the item with digital calipers so I could verify precisely if it would fit. Cheers Zoltan !
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