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Status Updates posted by AndyWB

  1. Completed the Messier Catalog last night with a very faint view of M83

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      well done mate great stuff.

    3. AndyWB


      I'm pleased! Though now I have to try to get /good/ views of them all...

    4. Tzitzis


      Very nice. It must be brilliant the way you feel now. No Messiers for me through a scope. Have seen the Pleiades, the Andromeda galaxy and M8 and M20 through binos though

  2. Completed the Messier Catalog last night with a very faint view of M83

  3. Just ordered a refractor... turning to the dark side...

    1. Joel Shepherd

      Joel Shepherd

      Nice! What did you get (and why)?

    2. DeepSkyBagger
  4. 1 Messier left - M83

    1. michael.h.f.wilkinson


      Good going, but M83 is not easy

    2. AndyWB


      M68 was hard enough last night - AV only...

    3. jabeoo1
  5. Managed a quick gander at Jupiter, X Cancri and Tegmine before fog stopped play...

  6. Scuttled out for 45mins - saw 5 planets. Not well, but still, 5!

  7. Managed a number of doubles last night. Thinking that I might start my own catalog :)

    1. ronin


      Is it to the the AWB Double Star Catalogue or just the AB Double Star Catalogue. AWB sounds better.

  8. Hmm. So my car won't power a hairdryer if the engine is off, and the sidelights can't be turned off. Hmm.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AndyWB


      I may need to consider a proper dew heater...

    3. scarp15


      I use a 12V 7ah battery and can connect the 12V hairdryer via an adapter (cigarette socket for hairdryer and clips for battery).

    4. AndyWB


      Hmm. Yes, I'm wondering; if I started building a leisure battery type thing, I'd be tempted to just get a secondary heater...

  9. So how big an aperture do I need to spot Philae?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tingting44


      1000" dob.....?


    3. RobH


      Vastly beyond anything that exists, or is even remotely planned. To see the lunar lander for example would need a scope with a mirror larger than 600 metres if I remember correctly!

    4. T-J


      This is one of those occasions where you would have to Think outside the proverbial box and solve the question with something totallynew and revolution in the history of astronomy. Instead of thinking about aperture *which would be a ASIMHT (Astronomical Super Incredibly Mind-boggingly Huge Telescope)anyway. Instead I would opt for a system of maneuverable telescopes working in a sort of a chain. You know, you look through the first one, at your location, find the nearest one in the chain, an...

  10. Looked at Almach for the first time last night - beautiful colours. Better than Albireo!

    1. Daniel-K


      sure is and very often overlooked .but while you was in the area did you go for NGC891?

    2. AndyWB


      Nope, didn't know about it. Doubtful in the LP I live in, too. But it's on the list for a dark night!

  11. 3 Messier Objects Remaining - M104, M83, M68

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tingting44


      nice one! imaging or viewing?

    3. gooseholla


      Nice. I have 39 left, but most of those will be gone within a couple of days next spring/summer.. hopfully!

    4. AndyWB


      Not from home - I live in the middle of town - but from this latitude, yes. And Viewing; I don't do astrophotography!

  12. Hmm. Big night out in the dark before the working week - or early night ready for tomorrow night's date? Tricky.

    1. Daniel-K


      out out out out !!!!!

    2. faulksy


      as dan, or is she/he curvy lol

    3. AndyWB


      Well, she's interesting and pretty, so I tried to get as much beauty sleep as possible. I'll need it :)

  13. OIII filter has arrived!

    1. faulksy


      what did you get andy

    2. AndyWB


      Oh, sorry, just saw this. Got the Astronomik one. Had it out for a long night last Thursday (24th). Very impressed. - Best details of nebulae that I've seen.

  14. Looks clear here - but I need to be in bed early :/

    1. ronin


      Isn't 2:00AM often referred to as the early hours of the morning. So stay up until then.

    2. AndyWB


      I like your thinking, but that wouldn't have qualified... :)

    3. ronin


      But in the Status Update above this one Todd stayed up until 2:15 and reports a great night. ;-))

  15. Just read a lunar calendar as "Waxing Gibbons"

    1. cotterless45


      I'd like to observe that under our clear cloudy skies !

    2. AndyWB


      Seems a little harsh on the gibbons, though...

  16. Hmm. Eyepiece case now too small if I put the RACI in it. What now?

    1. ronin


      Obvious: Bigger case, with enough expansion planned in for further future additions.

  17. I saw the ISS nearly run into the moon.

  18. Last night's lesson - when the local football team are playing in the evening, the light pollution is much, much worse.

    1. HumptyMoo


      If your talking about madejski stadium I used to live rose kiln lane area next to the holy brook, wasn't stargazing back then but whenever those flood lights were on it was like a light dome in the distance :)

    2. AndyWB


      Aye, that's the one!

  19. 6mm Vixen SLV has arrived!

    1. AlexB67


      Ha, that would explain the weather forecast for this evening. Sat/sun look more hopeful. Good luck with it :)

    2. AndyWB


      Yes, I noticed Saturday - and who's got a wedding to go to? It's never clear on the right nights!

    3. Daniel-K


      Id be very interested in how the 6mm performes

  20. LP is bad tonight, but the Moon was lovely...

    1. jabeoo1


      I noticed that where I was too Andy. I gave up hunting new objects & stuck with the craters instead.

    2. HumptyMoo


      I have 2 fake sunrises at the moment, reading town centre to the ESE and some railway works NNE...and have I ever mentioned my neighbours artificial sun project before? :D

  21. Still bothered by who named some of these DSOs. "Hagrid's Dragon", for instance. And surely there should be a "Dobby"?

    1. HumptyMoo


      Chances are probably good that some planet somewhere actually has a dobsonian constellation...even if no one is there to name it. As for Hagrid....tis' better than "Puff the magic"? :)

    2. AndyWB


      Totally! I'm not complaining - I quite like the name.

  22. Still chuffed that I finally got the collimation on my 10" right ... I think...

    1. Daniel-K


      welcome to the world of OCD :D

    2. todd8137


      I used to check mine and fiddle,every time great news

  23. Eeek! Ordered a Lunt 35 solar scope

    1. Qualia


      Great move. I look forward to your first light.

    2. AlexB67


      Nice, good move, Probably my next scope on the list too when the time comes :)

  24. Saw M1 from the middle of Reading last night :)

    1. kerrylewis


      Are you sure it wasn't the M4 :-)

    2. AndyWB


      You have no idea how many times I've had to explain to my friends that I'm not motorway spotting - especially when I got excited having seen M6!

  25. I wonder if there is something wrong with me that I want to keep electronics out of my astronomy?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space Dragon

      Space Dragon

      I feel the same, we spend too much time as it is faffing with tech.

    3. AndyWB


      I wonder if that's why? I'm a software developer, so the last thing I want to do is fiddle with computers at home...

    4. emadmoussa


      Yep, I'm tech free now and my asto life is much easier...

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