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    Astronomy! If you're in the Reading area and fancy meeting up sometime, PM me.

    Other than that, mountain biking, running, general geeky stuff.
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  1. So how big an aperture do I need to spot Philae?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tingting44


      1000" dob.....?


    3. RobH


      Vastly beyond anything that exists, or is even remotely planned. To see the lunar lander for example would need a scope with a mirror larger than 600 metres if I remember correctly!

    4. T-J


      This is one of those occasions where you would have to Think outside the proverbial box and solve the question with something totallynew and revolution in the history of astronomy. Instead of thinking about aperture *which would be a ASIMHT (Astronomical Super Incredibly Mind-boggingly Huge Telescope)anyway. Instead I would opt for a system of maneuverable telescopes working in a sort of a chain. You know, you look through the first one, at your location, find the nearest one in the chain, an...

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