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Posts posted by happy-kat

  1. when I was looking at star shapes on my old lenses I kept the exposure length low as the test was star shape not whether there was trailing adding to the mix. Looking at how exposed your images are there is room to take short exposure length test shots. During your testing you could set the camera to jpg and raw then you get two files per image. Where my lenses where quite fast f2 or f2.8 then f4 gave better stars with less compromise on light loss if I needed to stop down though the Q200mm lens I have needed f8 really. For me it's about what final star shape can I work with in post processing influencing aperture choice.

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  2. Welcome

    Your telescope you could start with observing objects like M44 or M45 with your 20mm eyepiece and also comet 12P/Pons Brooks. Your camera is going to be disproportionally heavy for your telescope tripod, you could try camera phone images hand held on some targets, could try the Moon. For knowing what's up where there's Stellarium and on a mobile there's sky map as examples.

  3. The orientation of the S50 is portrait and exposure length short individual frames wouldn't show field rotation that obvious though target direction influenced. A stack would through I expect from first to last frame. If you had 300 frames and stacked just one every 50 frames you might see the rotation by the way the frame edges where outlined on the stack

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