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Everything posted by Robstargazer15

  1. cant wait to snap some pics of the moon tonight

  2. Robstargazer15

    Venus transit 2012

    i was viewing it in st louis, Missouri, mostly clear for a transit of venus.
  3. From the album: Venus transit 2012

    this short video was when i noticed the transit has begun,venus has just touched the sun, and i was saying," i see it ,i see venus" and my dad was congratulating me.
  4. From the album: Venus transit 2012

    venus just after first contact on the sun's surface. the sun has a slight dent in it.
  5. Robstargazer15

    what a sight

    From the album: Venus transit 2012

    my last image i took of the 2012 venus transit, the sun was about to set anyway.
  6. From the album: Venus transit 2012

    venus's black disk on the nutreal white sun's surface
  7. From the album: Venus transit 2012

    you are on a alien planet, and you see a planet pass in front of its star, a cool feeling indeed.
  8. From the album: Venus transit 2012

    i hurried to take this picture of the little black drop effect. i saw a line connect venus to the sun's outer limb. and it proved to be a common illusion, i observed the photo close up, and saw the line never existed...... wow. i used a number 21 orange filter to take this image ( this is why the sun appears orange with it, but without it, the sun is white.)
  9. Robstargazer15

    Roberts astro pics

    Daily images of the moon,sun, and celestial events
  10. From the album: Roberts astro pics

    Full moon with a outdated digital camera.
  11. From the album: Roberts astro pics

    Earth shine was on the moon during a conjunction with venus in 2012. I accidentally overexposed the crescent moon to reveal its dark side.
  12. clouds go away!!!!!.

  13. From the album: Roberts astro pics

    APOD showed a pic from the 2012 perseid meteor shower, amd i saw the bright meteor in the center of this image. I can prove it..it was the brightest one in the whole shower.

    © APOD

  14. From the album: Roberts astro pics

    The full moon of january 25th 2013
  15. From the album: Roberts astro pics

    Moon on febuary 2nd 2012
  16. From the album: Roberts astro pics

    My great 12 inch zhumell dobsonian telescope.
  17. From the album: Roberts astro pics

    The quasi comjunction of venus and jupiter. Shortly before dawn on june 27th 2012.
  18. From the album: Roberts astro pics

    My celestron Nextstar 4se ive found 98 messier objects with this one scope... The 12" found 6 more. My current messier total:104/110.
  19. From the album: Roberts astro pics

    Thats how it looks like to view stars through a telrad finder.
  20. Moon full is bad!!!

    1. foundaplanet


      I'd like to see it.

  21. A very close conjunction indeed. Even saw a very large lunar halo at around 7:00. The moon and jupiter make a good pair.
  22. Found M102 & M83 last night

  23. light pollution at my grandmas house is hurting faint galaxies

  24. im going to try to find M102 & Ngc 4236 tonite

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