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Everything posted by JonDoe

  1. back to give it another go.

  2. Telescope cooling but this cloud aint for moving

  3. sky clear just waiting for the moon to show, clouds stay away

  4. Sky is clearing but ill so cannot get outside, sods law :(

    1. Charon


      Join the gang! I have been ill since Christmas day.

  5. Sky is clearing, really hope i can get out tonight to try out my xbox cam conversion, everything crossed

    1. tingting44


      same here mate!! i got to use my spc900 cam for the 1st time last nigth!! it was quite nice :D

  6. clear sky just waiting for the moon to come over

  7. first time out with my telescope tonight, wasnt planned so no cool down but did get a nice look at the moon, which reminds me "i need a filter :), cant wait till next time and being more prepared.

  8. Really cant wait to get out there, nothing but clouds since i bought my first telescope, still it give me time to read up on things.

    1. Qualia


      Hope you get clear skies soon, Jon. Here in Spain the days are bright but the evenings haven't been up to much either.

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