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Everything posted by bomberbaz

  1. Added more data to this but really struggled with the red in it. It is in an area of a lot of hydrogen so one does wonder when you have done enough. Also should have done more with the star reduction but generally happier with the structure detail in the actual nebula itself.
  2. Hello all. I am looking for a stand alone noise reduction software programme. Needs to run on windows and as I don't have any premium software to bolt it onto, stand alone would be best. This said, I am open to suggestions as long as it doesn't become cost prohibitive. I am thinking maybe up to £125.00 with a little leeway depending on what's on offer. One with a trial period would also be highly desirable. TIA for any suggestions. Steve
  3. The piece that might be missing is the eyepiece adaptor/holder, there only appears to be the focuser drawtube without said adaptor.
  4. I know I am repeating myself here but in different areas of forum, sorry. I managed to re-create the error and all evidence points towards the memory stick. I could 100% confirm it but the effort needed to do that goes beyond what is necessary I think. I have a new, one-piece moulded memory stick (looks quality) for data storage that will be used from now on and will not be removed. Instead, data will be transferred via WI-FI. I did this earlier with 96 files taken tonight which transferred perfectly via this method. (long time though, so make allowances) In summary, I hope this error was mostly mainly my own judgement and not my expensive equipment.
  5. We are in the civilised ribble valley now old chap, what what! 😉
  6. which camp site is it please, might be a better bet with my big bins rather than the dob, much easier setting up and using. what about your 127 mak, thats easy enough to carry around?
  7. Well if my reports are only fit for your ablutions, I don't know if I care to answer that 😉 Yes definitely worth it. The deeper north you can get, the better. Try and organise your viewing anywhere other than due south if you can as this is worst LP area although that said, it is still liveable with. Great views into the Zenith which I know is the hardest work but worth it for the darkness. If you do decide to go and I am free, I will come up and keep you company for one night 👍
  8. Thanks for the replies. Seems very likely that a malfunctioning USB memory stick was causing the problem and corrupting data at the same time. In future, I will use a one-piece quality USB memory stick to gather data but leave it permanently in situ. (I believe the other got damaged with constant plugging/unplugging of the device.) Someone gave me a link to this guide and it is very simple to transfer via Wi-Fi. [ASIAIR GUIDE] How to transfer images from ASIAIR (UPDATED) | ZWO ASI (astronomy-imaging-camera.com)
  9. I have managed to re-create this issue and isolate where it comes from. I feel rather foolish because it was really staring me straight in the face but for whatever reason I just didn't catch on earlier. Here's what I did. Created a batch of 90 3 minute subs in lights mode as it is these that were corrupting. Transferred these to my pc via direct wired connection, via wifi and via two different dongles and placed into 4 different folders so I could identify. I would point out I realised part way through this exercise that one of my dongles had occasionally having connection issues and this should have been a red light, sadly it wasn't. Apparently in windows this is what the error message means Win32 sub system an error 107 is "ERROR_DISK_CHANGE So it should come as no surprise files loaded onto my PC worked as long as they were not loaded using the faulty dongle. Faulty dongle files displayed the error above. I have dumped the faulty dongle and in future will transfer my files over wifi, slow but ok as long as power to it is maintained, safest. Steve
  10. Has anybody else had an error message from their ASI Air? Two or maybe three times I have had a message saying there is an error with the onboard memory and that it needed formating or checking, one or the other.
  11. Thanks so much for this, I hope transfer of data is where the issue lies. ( I strongly suspect it is). If I can do a data transfer over wifi it would be the obvious and simple solution.
  12. I would agree with this part but totally lost here. I have found that the usb stick I have been using has a dodgy connection. It has disconnected then reconnected again and I am thinking it might be that in some way although exactly what I am not aware. I have a new usb stick on order to see how that goes but here is what I was thinking. Next batch of data try first copying the data directly to the pc via cable. then try via new usb stick to see how that works. finally try with the dodgy connection usb. I think I should take it from there. Rather annoying this as is any unknown issue but maybe some experimenting will help identify the root cause.
  13. No it doesn't every file after 43 is corrupt, including 1-20 of the second batch.
  14. I have been copying via a USB stick (tried more than one) and then transferring the files to my main PC. Just wondering if transferring direct from the Air+ to the pc might be a better option. ASI fits viewer is a no, it tells me they are corrupt. Attached is the details selection of one file thats fine, one that won't open, they appear the same! Is there anywhere else I can look?
  15. Quite pleased with this after suffering a massive data loss. Just 43 x 3 minutes at minus 10 / gain 110 - Evoguide + FF and ZWO 183mc. ( I lost as much data on this object as I used)
  16. Last night I gathered some data and I am getting issues. I took a tranche of 70 x 3 minutes at unity gain / minus 10 followed by a separate tranche of 20, same settings, same object, I just wanted more data. I am using a ZWO 183mc and ZWO ASI Air plus. The object was the Wizard neb. I am getting an error message in DSS which says all of the following: (file details, this being the details of the file name and type etc) returned a status of 107, error text is: tried to move past end of file. I tried stacking in Siril and it also did not stack all my files. Both appeared to manage the first 43 FITS and the rest returned an error or for siril just didn't stack. I have tried a different machine, other versions of DSS but none of this helped and I am at a loss. The camera and air plus are under warranty but really would rather it be a simple fix for me otherwise it's warranty time. Any ideas? Steve
  17. Got the rig out on the wizard nebula tonight, trying to grab enough data in one session. One thing I am very pleased about is my tracking now. This used to be an average of 1 - 1.2 but presently it is in the region of 0.5 - 0.6, so I am hoping for some really tight stars. I will post up tomorrow with the result if that is, it is any good.
  18. I have looked at this a few times but never without the HB filter, I will try next time without it to see what colour I can tease out of it.
  19. I have just watched a good part of it (stopped after a while as I don't use it myself) and I would say my one criticism, and it is one I have with a lot of tutorials so don't take this the wrong way, slow it down a little. When you are clicking something even though it is obvious to you, it might not be obvious to the person watching if they, like me have never used the programme before. Overall though decent effort. However I will still be keen to see your Siril guide, I use that and always look for tips and pointers.
  20. I managed a few mini sessions with my AZ GTi porta-imaging rig and one really good, eyeball at the eyepiece session under the stars near the month end (see below). I did also manage a couple of short bins efforts whilst down at the Norfolk Broads. To be honest I am reasonably happy if I get one really good sesh a month under moonless skies, although I would do more if the cloud gods would oblige.
  21. When I first started out and was first made aware of TV eyepieces I remember thinking you must be mad to pay that much for one eyepiece. I found that opinion changed with time and experience. I now currently own two tv ep's (although several other premium type eyepiece), but no naglers though. My 8mm delos, which is my favourite to use high power lump of glass, gives me views that are super and as an object it simply oozes class. I also have an 8mm BST, which is also very nice to use and offers up some good views. It also looks a nice bit of kit and it is good to hold, but it doesn't have that ooze of class. However it was less than 20% of the cost. As an observer you must decide if the added cost of premium glass, with a probable added visual benefit of less than 5-10% is worth paying that add price for. (Think of the quality ooze ) 😈
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