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Posts posted by Radec

  1. Well, some of it anyway!

    This is another reprocess from November 2021 using a ZWO duoband filter - hence the star halos.

    I reprocessed the data using better algorithms in Pixinsight, particularly the RC Astro suite of exterminators and also Bill Blanshan's excellent HOO Normalisation script to convert the data to SHO.

    This was 40 x 240s integration, total time 2 hours 40 mins using the equipment in my signature.


    • Like 1
  2. This is naturally NOT new data - just a re-process of data from October last year.

    3 hours worth, all the usual calibration frames plus the RCAstro tools applied liberally.

    Usual image gear - AA102EDT/.79/269c - captured with APT & processed in PIIC5146.thumb.jpg.b6932aa129d35435079020ac63d93cf1.jpg

    Comments/criticisms welcome - too much dark, too little (doubt it), mushy background etc etc......

    • Like 3
  3. Friday 7th April finally gave me a clear-ish night to lug the gear outside and do an imaging run.

    The less said about that, the better - nothing to show except that at least it all still worked. Images were pretty rubbish, due to chronic guiding - I really need to sort that.

    Might've helped if I had connected the lead to the dew band to a power outlet that was switched on!

    However, it made me remember a night in March 2021 when I imaged M51. For some mysterious reason, I never processed it.

    So here is an image from 2021, a total of 5 hours in 180s subs - darks, flats & darkflats as usual, but no filters.

    AA 102 EDT & AA269c - captured with APT and processed & annotated in PI.

    Not the best, not my worst.



    • Like 7

    This is about all I can do at the moment, thanks to cloud & moon.

    So, this is IC1805 Heart Nebula in Cassiopeia from October 2021.

    Imaged through the Altair 102EDT with .79 reducer & still I couldn't get it all in!

    AA 269c and AA Quadband filter (now sold & replaced with AA Dualband ultra).

    Total of 40 x 240s (so 2 hours 20 minutes)

    Reprocessed in Pixinsight using BlurXT plus StarXT & NoiseXT plus Bill Blanshan's HOO Normalisation.


    • Like 2
  5. On 10/03/2023 at 19:01, kirkster501 said:

    Wonderful.  I love the detail and you have not been tempted to over-saturate the colour like many - myself included - have a tendency to do.  What makes your image special is that you have a lot of the very faint outer reaches of the galaxies and I think that makes it especially nice to see. 

    I am working on my own LRGBHa rendition of this when we get some clear nights.  I'd be over joyed if it turns out as good as yours.  Well done.

    Thanks so much for the positive comments and good luck with your own version. Clear nights are a rarity in the UK at the moment and it’s Galaxy season! Grrrrr!  

  6. On 10/03/2023 at 17:23, MartinB said:

    Beautiful image and you've and I like your treatment of the stars

    Thanks Martin, much appreciated. The wonders of BlurXterminator - a brilliant piece of addition to PI. Easy deconvolution for the first time. 

  7. On 10/03/2023 at 11:01, CCD Imager said:

    Great image Keith, very similar to my recent version. Its a cool group of galaxies to photograph. I see you have the Pegasus rotator, I'll be buying one tomorrow at the PAS.


    It’s one of those pieces of equipment that often sits idle, but on the occasion you need it, it is like your thumb - you wonder how you managed without it. Thanks for the comments 

  8. This image is from 2021 again, reprocessed with new methods for Pixinsight.

    It's a total integration of 3 hours in 360s subs with the 102EDT/269c Protec.

    The version I originally processed has never looked worthy to be honest and  having finally found an excellent video explaining how to use GHS2 as a process, rather than a script, I set about it with renewed interest.

    This time, the result is much improved.


    • Like 5
  9. 4 hours ago, mirrorgirl1980 said:

    very nice naterul colour and stars are razer sharp something i struggle with at times, very well done, and thanks for sharing.

    Thanks - much appreciated


  10. As we know, with UK weather like it is, all I can do is reprocess old data with newly acquired algorithms.

    So this is data from April 2021 - the Leo Triplet. It's an integration of 2 hours 42 mins on the same night, pre & post meridian flip.

    Captured with APT and processed entirely in PI. No filters. BlurXT has done a good job of reducing some of the blobby stars without looking too false.



    • Like 21
  11. This is a reprocess of data from February 2021, using the latest PI routines, in particular STarXT, BlurXT and NoiseXT.

    Considering this is only 78 minutes of integration, it's come out rather better than I expected.

    Usual iaging rig - captured with APT & processed in PI

    HOO converted version to follow



    • Like 6
  12. This is a great image for Halloween night!

    I was lucky back in October 22 - three nights worth of data amounted to 8.5 hours of integration in 240s subs!

    Captured with APT & processed in PI as usual - full calibration frames of darks, flats & dark flats applied.

    That big blue jobbie is a pain in the backside to control 

    Best wishes




    • Like 9
  13. This is my recent image before technical issues of one sort or another, plus rotten weather, wiped out the chance to continue.

    It's the Spider & Fly in Auriga, imaged on 6th Feb, using the AA102EDT and AA269c.

    I'm itching to test out my mount, which failwed due to power issues I suspect, and get going again with my new 4nm Dualband filter. This has already proven to cut down on star halos brilliantly.

    The image is 4 hours of integration, with full calibration frames; captured with APT and processed entirly in Pixinsight

    I'm going to start posting my images after this.

    Best wishes



    • Like 4
  14. One guy suggested it’s creationists who bombard FB with complaints about images that disprove their beliefs. I don’t know about that, but the removal has happened to at least 3 of my images. I’ll post some in the DSO section. 

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