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Posts posted by bingevader

  1. The only other thing I would add regarding EP acquisition is to go for the gaps first.

    People get a bit hung up on replacing the stock EPs before comparing them to anything else.

    The 8mm BST might be a good place to start if you are enjoying the views through the 10mm. :)

    A 5mm BST will be pushing it a bit, the skies just aren't steady enough (good on the moon though!).

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, kev100 said:

    Hi Ben,

    I would have been fairly confident about people following guidelines, and would have made it clear that if you show any symptoms at all then you shouldn't attend. However, although it would have been nice, I decided against it as the risks are just not worth it. It's a real shame. Like many others on here, a lot of the enjoyment I get out of the hobby is through sharing it with others. Also, it's always good to spread the word on what constitutes light pollution and what effects it has.

    Oh well :)


    A good call, there will be other nights I am sure. :)

    • Like 1
  3. On 28/08/2021 at 20:13, PEMS said:

    The number of "deaths" is slewed.

    Yep, we've only recorded deaths within a month from Covid. All those who take longer to die by slowly drowning in their own secretions don't count. 🤔

    Back to the OP.

    How well do you know your village community?

    Can you be confident that the people you invite will follow your guidelines?

    I carried on with our club in school last winter because the classes were in bubbles and didn't come in if they were at all unwell.

    I was with them all day, so an hour or so out side after school didn't really make much difference! :D

    We wiped everything down, kept our distance and wore masks back then too. :)

  4. I suppose I nearly have a full set of the Meade plossls now, but the rest are very much not of the same brand!

    I too like the wider field of view, but my cherry picking has been done very much on price rather than performance.

    Thankfully I haven't been disappointed, but that's probably the joy of not having anything 'better' to compare them too. :D

    • Like 1
  5. Just to throw a spanner in the works!

    I wouldn't start off by replacing EPs you already have!

    Maybe I was lucky, but neither the 25mm or the 10mm was terrible with my 'scope, especially when compared to no EP at all!

    I'd suggest starting with the gaps and come back to the 25mm and 10mm when you are satisfied that the purchase is worth it.

    The 8mm BST and a 130mm 'scope is very good IMHO. :)

    • Thanks 1
  6. I think the biggest question to ask is, what's your budget!?

    I've been very gradually moving to 82º EPs and I'm very happy with those that I have purchased for my 8" dob (so not terribly demanding!).

    However, this has been going on for some years, at Christmas times and birthday times, as my budget wouldn't stretch to anything else, or over a shorter time period! :D

  7. I have an 8" F6 dob too and I am enjoying my gradual transition to 82º EPs.

    Maybe it is the 'gradual' transition that has made the difference?

    With several of the EPs I have other people have suggested that there are difficulties.

    I'm very fortunate not to have experienced them.

    I have the 7mm, but not the 16mm, because I already have a 14mm and that's lovely.

    The wider FOV does take a little getting used to and yes, you do have to move your head to get the full FOV.

    I hope you find a solution, or settle on a FOV that you are more comfortable with. :)


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  8. On 02/04/2021 at 17:31, Carbon Brush said:

    Second, the cost. I said to myself, stop moaning. A bottle of fluid, and a cloth, last a very long time.
    If you have amassed a collection of nice eyepieces and other glassware, it is big money.
    The fluid, when compared to the cost of the eyepieces they are cleaning, is peanuts.

    I don't have a vast collection and only clean when absolutely necessary, so BWF has been a good investment as it does what it says on the bottle.

    Unless you are desperate, and planning on mixing it in large quantities with tonic, ice and lemon, then you should be fine. :)

  9. My etx90 is compact, I wouldn't call it small in what it enables me to see.

    It's the one that goes on holiday with me and is out in the garden when friends are over.

    We use two 70mm refractors in school which although not 'decent' are priceless.

    I'm not sure what 'small' refractor the child is using in the picture though, it looks enormous! :D

    And I'd struggle to the see representations through my 8", let alone the 70mm!

    No mention of Galileo or Newton (or Zucchi) and their phenomenal discoveries through small 'scopes, but the sentiment is good. :)

    • Like 1
  10. Sorry, missed this!

    Happy birthday to you!

    Don't do Facebook, but will have a look at the website.

    I'm just down the road, but we have sessions in a school in Bridgend and would be interested in access to a darker location.

    I'm hoping to get them out to me when things ease a little!

  11. 3 hours ago, RobH2020 said:

    Thanks Ben! that means - you think it is Hyades? Any idea why it doesn't seem to look anything like the star charts or others' photos of hyades?

    Yes I do! :D

    I just rotated your drawing same as Carole has done.

    I don't think you are being fair on yourself to say that it doesn't seem to look anything like the star charts.

    I just pulled it up in Stellarium, and would consider your sketch a pretty good match.


  12. On 12/01/2021 at 21:54, Don Pensack said:

    1) Yes, because a good UHC filter will pass the hydrogen emission from the nebula and reveal a larger size to most nebulae.  If you only view planetary nebulae, or the Veil, stick to O-III.

    Pass on the Explore Scientific filter--it is too wide a bandwidth to be useful.  Literally twice as wide a bandwidth as the good UHC filters.

    Stick to Astronomik, TeleVue Nebustar , Lumicon, DGM NPB and ICS for a UHC filter.

    Sorry, couldn't let this pass for those on a budget!
    At half the price, my useless, poor ES UHC filter has enabled me to see the Veil Nebula! :)

    Stick to the useful, good filters if you can afford them, by all means. :)

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