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DirkSteele last won the day on May 8 2024

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    Astronomy has been a part of my life since I was 3 years old, so I have been looking up around 40 years, and using telescopes for around 30 years. My education followed a similar path and I left University having studied Physics and Astrophysics at both Undergrad and Masters level. I was also a founder member of the University Astronomy society and held the position of president in my last year of undergrad and continued on as treasurer in my masters year. My interest now is primarily visual astronomy.

    I currently own 9 telescopes, and the list clearly shows that I am a refractor man. The pride and joy of the collection is a 7" Triplet Apo (f/7) from APM in Germany, as well as 3 smaller Triplets (APM LZOS 130 f/9.2, TMB 115 f/7 and the APM TMB 105 f/6.2 which is my primary travel scope). I also own four ultra portable Takahashi fluorite doublet Apos, the FS-60 CB & FS-60Q,as well as the FC-76 and the FC-100 for those times when the 105 is a bit too large to take with me. Rounding out the collection is my oldest scope, the Celestron Nexstar 11 GPS.

    As well as writing reviews and other astro-related content for my own site, Alpha-Lyrae.co.uk, I have also begun contributing content to Astronomy Now magazine, with my first equipment review appearing in January 2018 issue. After a bit of break due to the arrival of a baby, I am back writing more for the magazine again and expect to see some reviews appear during 2024.

    I love to cook (and eat!), and also collect retro video games, though prices recently have gone through the roof, so that has taken a bit of a back seat.
  • Location
    London, UK

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  1. January Astronomy Now mag just hit the doormat. I made the cover again with my review of the Sightron Alt Az mount.

    1. RobertI


      Congratulations! It’s a great review of the mount, and I have to say the January issue is one of the best in a long time, thoroughly enjoyable. 

    2. DirkSteele


      Thanks! I really enjoyed the issue as well. The article on Namibia was very nostalgic as I have stayed there 4 times, once as the resident astronomer. It is an amazing venue for astro. Though my last visit was 2016. Need to go again.

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