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  1. Hi, AR2835 is a mgnificent sight. I had to shoot between very short clearances in the clouds, so result is not optimal. nonetheless the detail is there. scope: WO FLT132 camera ZWO ASI174MM mount: Vixen AXJ filter: Baader Herschel wedge, ND-filters & solar continuum acessories: Baader FFC Clear skies, Wouter.
  2. Thanks everybody for the replies. Guess I’ll have some more homework to do. Clear skies. Wouter.
  3. Hi, With my refound love for solar imaging (who knew the solar eclipse would get me hooked again) I'm in the market for a H-alpha setup. I currently use my FLT132 f/7 with a Herschel wedge and QHY163m for full disc and an ASI174MM and Baader FFC for detailed shots. I know that H-alpha can get pretty expensive and accept that. But what would be my best shot? I was thinking in the lines of a Coronado solarmax III 90 double stack (which is stretching my budget a bit) as such a setup would allow for full disc as well as fairly detailed shots. Lunt 100 seems a bit too expensive... (not to mention the 130, which would be a dream) I looked a a quark too... But that would only allow close up images as it requires long focal ratio to operate properly. Anyway.. What are the recommendations of the specialists? Thanks, clear skies, Wouter.
  4. Conditions were very good, decent seeing, mostly clear skies, a bit too warm... I took an image every 15sec during the entire eclipse with my FLT132 and QHY163M Enjoy https://astrob.in/full/iklzxq/E/?nc=wouterdhoye&real=
  5. Another sunny day, another solar image.. enjoy. https://astrob.in/full/lg0nsz/0/?real= Wouter.
  6. Title says it all. Really enjoying solar imaging. https://astrob.in/full/mozziv/0/
  7. impressive animation. A great effort too. The details are really astonishing!
  8. Seems like I'm getting better at this. Although solar imaging is similar to lunar I did find out it is not exactly the same. I was quite pleased with the amount of granulation I captured with my 132mm scope scope: WO FLT132 Mount: Vixen AXJ camera: full disc: QHY163M, detail shots: ZWO ASI174MM filters: Baader Herschel wedge, Baader Solar Continuum extra's: Baader FFC for longer focal length
  9. It seems I was able to solve the problem by reducing framerate.
  10. Yes, that’s with the Omegon (gso) 6” CC.
  11. Last night, despite heavy winds I did set out to image. having received my new Vixen AXJ mount I was very eager to test it. The winds were so strong I had to hold on to my laptop or it would be blown away. Nontheless the mount handled the situation brilliantly. Now during the worst gusts of wind the image moved off course. In the end the seeing was not too bad though and results, while not brilliant, were still more than acceptable. First image i'd like to present is the golden handle of Sinus Iridum. This handle is the brightly lit steep wall of sinus iridum, while the floor is still in the shadows. Next is the majestic Copernicus. Plenty of detail is visible inside and outside of the crater. terrases, central peaks, breccia, the disturbed outside slopes... besides Copernicus also Eratostenes, Stadius and the domes arourd hortensius are all well visible. More images will follow. Clear skies, Wouter.
  12. Look pretty nice. modest telescopes can do very well.
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