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Posts posted by gray

  1. Additional remarks:

    Ok so now its clear that the stacked RGB FITS is the baked cake because its Aligns as well as Stacks and so moves the hot or noisy pixels around , I had hoped that for FITS the name meant Transport of multiple unstacked Images - anyway even if FITS coupld host a bunch of unstacked images that isnt how Sharpcap uses it. I had hoped that perhaps DSS could use the Darks fpr Amp glow reduction.

    I could of course winge a lot aboutr Sharpcap having multiple ways to specifiy different aspectrs of file saving but I just have to get over that

    So to rephrase my main question:

    is there anything useful I can do with this data combo from my hours of what now must be seen as practice - that is stacked RGB FITS and individual Darks ?

    My own Conclusion

    At least for my pixel hot trails I will see what I can do in GIMP with some kind of pattern replacement

    Otherwise in the future I must either capture only all individual image files - lights and calibrations - and then align and stack after or pay the SC Pro license and process the calibrations on the fly.

    Normal beginners trials and tribulation

    Any remarks are welcome


  2. Hi -  Am new to all this stuff so help on this DSS staking blocker would be much appreciated - done a load of googling but need to know if my hours of FITS are scrap

    Setup : ASI183MC - Sharpcap 3.2.6480 (Live Stack for lights, Capture for Darks - no bias or flats yet)- DSS 4.2.5 - Win7 64bit-USB2 - CEM25P - no guiding yet


    I managed to get Sharpcap into a mode where it was saving individual RAW Fits files for Darks and only the Stacked FITS for Lights.

    DSS spits these out with the message "The checked pictures are not compatible (width, height, number of colors, number of channels, only one master dark, offset and flat)."


    If I check the Sharpcap CameraSettings txt file for the two (the set of dark FITS files and the single stacked FITS file) they are identical except the file for the stacked FITS has a different date/time, the number of stacked frames and the total exposure time - so no difefrence in the core FITS spec apparently - RAW, 16bit, pixels, binning


    Am I breaking process and so totally irrecoverable ? (i.e. Lights must be individual FITS or pay for Pro and do darks first and include on the fly when capturing Lights)

    or  are there some options to set in DSS or other stackers to use ?

    I have several nights and long hours of careful capture. My lights show weird hot pixel trails so I need the darks or I'm stuffed and have wasted my time - true ?

    Any takers ?




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