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Everything posted by jason.p

  1. http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/230480-my-patio-pier/?hl=%2Bpatio+%2Bpier I made my patio pier over a year ago and have to say it's working well. It's permanently​​ fixed and polar aligned (nearly) so all I have to do is drop the tube on connect the dew straps and off I go. I spray the shiny bits of the mount (Eq 5) with silicone and WD40 and uncover whenever the weather allows to let it "breath" I cover it with a big strong polythene bag and it appears to have survived all weathers for over a year.
  2. I'm working my way through the Cassiopeiae doubles and was looking at Iota last night. The small companion was no trouble, but I could not make out the closer element. Is it "do-able" with the 8 inch? I should have spent longer on it but I gave in to the cold. Minus 3c and everything frosted up!
  3. Welcome John, and congrats on new scope. Don't hesitate to ask anything, there's always someone only too willing to help. I would thoroughly recommend you download "Stellarium". It's free, and an invaluable aid to finding your way around the night sky. Good luck and clear skies Jason
  4. I read through this when it was first posted, now just gone through it again and picked up more. Although I've been messing around for a couple of years, I still see myself as a complete beginner. This helps put things in a proper perspective and keep expectations realistic. Thanks Jason
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