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Posts posted by Psychobilly

  1. On ‎15‎/‎03‎/‎2016 at 12:40, spaceman_spiff said:

    I would like to see a histogram plotted of Post count rank vs. number of members with that rank.


    Not exactly what your after an might not work but...


    And guess what it didn't...

    But if you go the link and then sort by post count you will get a list...


  2. Did you download the 32 or 64 bit version?  The plugin locations are different in both. Also if you download the 64 bit version then you will need the 64 bit versions of some of the plugins (GXT for instance needs a purchased upgrade to go form the 32 bit to 64 bit versions...)

    I have both 32 and 64 bit version of CC installed and HLVG, Gradient Exterminator  plus Noels Actions, ...  I also have  the cc-2014 and cc-2015 versions although I haven't installed the plugin's in those as I don't like the increased "cloud" integration of the later updates

    Let me know what version you have and I will let you know where the various bits are installed on my machine....


  3. I wish I had had all my plywood dome parts routed rather than laser cut but the laser cutting was free but meant a lot of "messy2 charring on the edges that had to be cleaned off before gluing...

    What are you going to use as "bearings"... for the dome ring.. I used Ball Transfer Units and originally they were fine but over the years they have worn into the plywood forming a track and "detents" in the home position... I really should have had a stainless ring cut and fitted  or some other "track" for them to run in...

    Look forward to seeing the project come together :)


  4. Another SGL lover here, such a helpful community. I can see the reasons behind restricting classifieds to committed members but when i clicked on that section it stated i need 250 posts to submit something for sale. Is this only for selling or am i able to purchase now i've passed the magic half century?

    If you can see the ads in the classifieds then there's nothing stopping you buying...  :)

    • Like 1
  5. I think the content and people on the forum make it what it is - great - however I find it much, much slower than other sites with pages often taking 20 seconds or more to load. This is pretty regular and seems unique to this forum compared to others I use. Whether I'm using a PC, Mac, Safari, Chrome makes no difference and my internet connection is generally around 50Mbps so it's not a local issue.

    Does anyone else find this?


    Can't say I notice any problems ...  Is it always that slow?  can you provide more info on What OS and Browser etc are you using?


  6. I saw this. I find it very hard to believe that the Polarie can hold a EOS-1Dx with 300/2.8 without issues. The "stars must have been aligned" that night, no wind, perfect stability... :-


    It is pretty amazing - But I guess If it's properly balanced it's surprising what you can do...

    The  larger Canon L Series lenses  and Pro bodies tend to be pretty well balanced when mounted using the tripod collars...


  7. I started of with it's smaller brother the ETX 105... the optics are quite nice  and will give really nice lunar and planetary views ,  but  the  the long FL and slow focal ratio  coupled with a mount that doesn't like much weight being hung of the back of it makes them less than ideal for DSLR imaging...

    Ronin's post saved me a lot of typing...   What tripod have you got for it... IIRC the #884 Deluxe allows you the scope to be used in both Alt/Az and EQ modes ...

    By far and away the best concentrated  "reource" site for  the ETX scopes is Mike Weasner's Mighty ETX Site   http://www.weasner.com/etx/menu.html  just take any advice by a enthusiastic Welshman with a pinch of salt  -  Twas I  ....


  8. The Android App is pretty much sorted but i suspect some people might still have a few quirks because of the multitude of different versions of Android and  hardware , display resolutions etc that are available on Android - I guess  thats what you get for "freedom" ;):evil::grin:

    My only complaint is that the Android version hasn't been able to improve the weather - I hope  it's something that FLO are looking at doing in a future release... :grin:

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