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Status Updates posted by Delboy_Hog

  1. For the 5th week running, the clearest night will be Sunday into Monday - it's as if the universe doesn't care that I work Monday to Friday?!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Delboy_Hog


      That's a bit nuts! Problem is I'm reluctant to miss the clear skies - last time I did the seeing was amazing and everyone else was posting fantastic images the next day, which made me even more gloomy! :-)

    3. Daniel-K


      If it makes you feel better my supervisor is off and the head honcho said no :( I'll be working tomorrow night

    4. Delboy_Hog


      Gutted for you Daniel. Tuesday night's looking good so you might get another chance then? I took the hit and went out at 1.30am this morning. Back in bed for just after 5am. Happy, but absolutely shattered. It's going to be a looong week!

  2. Surely *somewhere* in the country will have clear skies on Saturday morning for the Jupiter event?

    1. Qualia


      I'm a bit gutted. I've been following Jupiter almost every other night for the last 6 weeks or so. This week have been doing the same although it is big party week here in town. Tomorrow I have to attend a b/day thing, Saturday I have to prepare a meal for the in-laws and family (imagine size of a Spanish family!!) and Saturday morning is the transit. Cool. I can do that, I just won't sleep but....clouds from the UK are promised that morning!! I can't believe i...

    2. Delboy_Hog


      Yeah, pretty gloomy outlook isn't it? But I hope you enjoy the partying!

  3. Looking long and hard at the heated gilet jackets online...might be just what i need for those long, cold nights...

    1. Rockrae78


      I've had one for years... First off, it's only the front that's heated... And the batteries don't last very long! Having said that, the gilet itself is quite warm!

    2. Delboy_Hog


      Cheers Rockrae, good to know!

  4. Back to the heavy groundlight of Leeds after a great week in the wonderful dark skies of North Cornwall...

  5. Any reliable (ha!) weather forecasters out there? I only need them to know what the weather's going to be doing in a couple of hours - bbc can't tell me what it's doing outside right now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Delboy_Hog


      That's not a bad idea - you'd have to hope they know what's coming their way! Only about 8 miles from Leeds - Bradford airport so i'll see what i can find! Cheers for the tip!

    3. TheNorthernMonkey


      Aero forecasts are called TAFs. Here is the leeds TAF

      long-TAF: EGNM 081700Z 0818/0918 01003KT 5000 BR FEW008 PROB40 0818/0821 1200 BKN002 BECMG 0821/0824 9999 PROB40 0900/0909 7000.

      THis can be sumarised as go inside, make a cuppa and watch a film.

    4. Delboy_Hog


      Ha ha! That sounds about right. Certainly more accurate that BBC's "clear skies all night"...Cheers for that!

  6. Once again BBC weather, you tease me with talk of clear skies in the early hours of tomorrow morning...

  7. is keeping a close eye on the weather forecast - especially that clear patch of sky from 1am - 6am!

  8. Local weather forecast promising "the clearest night of the year so far" tonight...So hopeful and yet so sceptical!

    1. Qualia


      Fingers crossed for you guys.

  9. The forecast says it'll be clear overnight here - 100% cloud at the moment, but setting the alarm for the early hours to go Jupiter hunting...

  10. I think BBC weather need to change their use of the words "clear skies" - when the sky is white, and not blue, it is not a clear sky! (grumble, curse, mutter, mumble)

  11. Downloaded Stellarium last night...WOW!

    1. Stargazing_Cliff


      Stellarium is awesome software. i also use Heavensat

    2. Delboy_Hog


      It really is! Even though it was cloudy last night, I just loaded it up to watch everything moving around the sky! Haven't seen Heavensat - I'll take a look!

    3. Qualia


      I agree,cliff. The web is really and often and great source of wonder and learning. Stellarium being an excellent example, SGL another.

  12. Getting desperate for some clear nights...

  13. *NOW* the sun comes out...marvellous!

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