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Status Updates posted by WaveSoarer

  1. I've just been out with my telescope fitted with a new camping mat dew shield. It works a treat and I'm really pleased with it.

  2. A clear night tonight and I'm stuck indoors with a cold (or is it flu). I've had this for almost two weeks now - gah.

    1. hobsey


      The fresh air will do you good.

    2. WaveSoarer


      I thought that last week and it set me back :-(

  3. I haven't checked the collimation on my 200p for quite a while. With the rain tipping down and nothing better to do, I assembled the scope in the spare bedroom and popped in the Cheshire. The primary only needed a quick tweak and my 200p is good to go again. It wasn't actually that far off which is a good sign.

    1. emadmoussa


      They do hold collimation very well actually. I had the scope for 8 months and never collimated it.

  4. Oh darn clouds. I got set up under clear skies and then the cloud rolled in. At least I got my camera, with a newly acquired coma corrector, focused and flats taken. Perhaps I'll get the chance to use it before the moon starts swamping the sky.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WaveSoarer



      Sorry I've been a bit quiet. Having fun with imaging using a second-hand Nikon D70s. Not great images by the standards on SGL but it keeps me amused. The coma corrector works a treat and I get sharp (all going well) stars right out to the edges of the images. I'm hoping to get going with the xbox camera once Jupiter is back in view from my garden. Alsoi itching to have a go at Mars again.


    3. Aenima


      You still using that xbox cam? Was a great practice and learner camera but for decent images you'll be better off upgrading to something based on the sony chip. I know the spc is a bit of a laugh to get hold of now but there are other webcams to try, u just need to get lucky with a good price. I'm trying out a mono chip at the moment, hoping the method isn't too complicated with filters and combining three channels - but with any luck i can move on to that one and have a webcam sp...

    4. Aenima


      are - so little chance to experiment in this weather.... (sorry ran out of space it looks like, so continued here) :p

  5. I was hoping for a clear night this weekend but this part of the world had solid cloud cover last night. I was hopeful all day today but, true to form, the sun has just set and the clouds have started rolling in just as it was starting to get dark. My coma corrector tests will have to wait for a while yet - by which time the moon will swamp things.

    1. Space Dragon

      Space Dragon

      Always the way, new moon and the clouds turn up.


  6. I set up the telescope and it clouded over just as I was sorting out my eyepieces. Waited. Cloud got thicker. Put telescope away and then it cleared up about half an hour later. I did managed to get some observing with binoculars: M3 (first view), M51, M63 and M94. Feel a bit better (just).

  7. I did see the ISIS though - as I did last night. Bad omen perhaps.

  8. So fed up. It was clear so I get the telescope out and set up. I then went to get my eyepieces and then it clouded over. That's the second night in a row wasted.

  9. Just been out and I managed to observe NGC 4565, which is surprisingly bright. I mounted up DSLR, got focused up and centred on the galaxy and then the clouds rolled in before I could take the first sub. Bah!

    1. foundaplanet


      My favourite galaxy.

  10. My telescope seems to be a cloud magnet. It was beautifully clear so I set up the telescope just after dinner. I'd just popped the EP in and was about to line up when the cloud started rolling in. It was eight eighths within a couple of minutes with no breaks in site. I just had to take the telescope in again without even using it. Sigh. At least I got glidiing today - though we had to wait until almost mid day for the cloud to clear. Hmm a theme developing.

  11. Happy new year everyone.

    1. Aenima


      Happy new year to u both :)

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