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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. Took my SS out in my less than perfect backyard, Bortle 5-6, last nite and gave it a first try on all the old faithfuls, the Dumbell, M31, M33, the Pac Man, etc. all were 12 min. or less. For the price this is and is going to be a fantastic piece of equipment ! Much friendlier than my Dwarf II ! Another sector of this great hobby to try, this morning will be the sun on a bright, clear day.
  2. I am glad you said ' to each his own a while back ', try not to get your hands too sticky, lol ! Me I'm stickin' to Ali !
  3. There is only one way to find out the virtues of that dew shield and its not speculation from afar, lol !
  4. Your comments, again, are distant speculation from what I can tell as well as ......... !
  5. I am glad you said ' if ', I am betting my money on Ali, from past experience. As to an adaptor why don't you contact them and ask, its very simple.
  6. You got that right, lol ! If I can't afford to spend that kind of cash on something like that, even if they are no good, I am getting out of this hobby, lol ! But I have faith in Ali !
  7. I haven't received them yet, I just ordered them but feel free to check them out on Ali, for yourself ! I don't do links.
  8. You can even by short extensions for the tripod legs, they come in a 3 pack, the lens cover, the dew shield and the leg extensions for the one price + shipping.
  9. On another SS site one guy has one and he says it fits perfectly over the lens.
  10. And don't forget the dew shield, I don't know what you mean by 'better deal' but as always if you want something you pay the price or you do without, there isn't a lot of choice around. Yet ! PS: I never worry about the cost, if one does they would never have anything, some call it being cheep, lol !
  11. Just bought a lens cover and dew shield for the SS from AliExpress !
  12. Talk about extra weight, overloading, lol ! Just a matter of time before parts fatigue sets in, it has to and what do you gain, lol ! Good Luck ! PS: Hopefully no one follows along with this !
  13. We aren't too far behind in the last year, lol !
  14. I have very rarely heard of anything but as you said to each his own. And as I mentioned I don't think the vast majority will get as involved. Just curious as to your thoughts ! Clear Skies to you !
  15. Thats what my last post is about, what it implies.
  16. But we can't all get so parnoid that we all look over our shoulders at everything, as with the SeeStar world, its a smart telescope used for astro enjoyment not a world of big investment, big banking or big TV movie watching for that matter. As mentioned how many times have irregularities been brought out to make it ....... !
  17. Seems to take a bit of the fun, the easy interest out of the SS world but I think the vast majority won't go there, their bank accounts are safe, lol ! But as you pointed out to each their own, I was just curious.
  18. For the average SS user is all of this necessary and what do you get in the end ? Its only a smart telescopes data and whatever else is entailed.
  19. At 60° C we'll all shut down, lol !
  20. Just got word here in Ontario, Canada that mine is being shipped today from my dealer, 200 miles away south. I will likely get it Tues via UPS. I ordered mine on Apr 25, so they have arrived in Canada !
  21. My Dwarf II did the same I always had to fine adjust it, maybe its the nature of the beast !
  22. That adage, doesn't apply ! I don't care who does what, I have been through it all several times, but I still feel justified to point this out, FYI but as usual very few care, lol !
  23. This is all well and good, I know battery performance very well, I know solar very well but what about the many unsuspecting newcomers that don't, its for them not I. I guess ZWO just forgets about those although they are one of the main target audiences in this new end of astronomy. Remember the old saying ' take their money and run ', lol ! As to my temps, in my world we get -45° C on some nites but I don't do astronomy below -15° C any more but when it comes to lithium batterys I know what to expect, I am a long time expert as well, lol ! But I care about those that aren't, not like many and I won't say anymore. As I said up above ' I give up ', lol !
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