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Everything posted by LDW1

  1. Well you have justified the lack of simple data for the unsuspecting newcomers, you have let them off the hook ! Not surprising rational from an experienced exp.... , lol ! PS: It probably saved them a minute amount of time and space to provide a short explanation as to how their batteries will / might perform in below freezing temps, a little curtisy to some that have just spent $ xxx on their product, well done !
  2. Did you ever think that maybe you thought wrong, lol ?
  3. Two things, first there may be many newcomers into this end of the hobby that don't realize or consider the issue and secondly a confirmation that the temperature range only pertains to battery related concerns, their performance and not other considerations. You talk as if everyone buying into this new end are experienced whatevers ! As I mentioned a simple heads up for those new learners, a consideration, they won't all be scientifically minded geniuses like some, lol ! PS: Why does a simple question asked always become a major problem, lol !
  4. A huge explanation, I am well aware of the usability of various types of batteries. My only concern is a brief sentence or two, from the horses mouth, as to how workable or restrictive their batteries are at lower temperatures, just a heads up but not technical. Just to give the unaware astronomers of what to expect, maybe what to prepare for on those cold subfreezing nites when Orion is hanging high above their heads, it dosen't have to be rocket science, just a simple whats up. Too much to ask ?
  5. You know that and I know that from many years of experience but there are very likely many new comers that don't and thus my post, my comments and the ensuing learning curve. And you are correct Lithium batteries are not cold weather batteries in any appliance incl. portable work tools, etc. So why shouldn't the manufacturer give them a full, honest explanation, its important.
  6. So it is all hidden in one line in the spec. block ie recommended 0-40° C ! I would really have thought that would be an important factor / feature to be clearly pointed out because many of us new owners will / do live in some pretty cold climates when, say, Orion, the Pleides are at their best ! Maybe even give, very clearly, the reason or the hazards if using it below 0° other than maybe fast battery drain, I guess maybe the powers that be don't really care about that end, lol ?
  7. I have probably read this some time but what is the minimum temperature that the SS can effectively be used ! Below freezing, if so how much ?
  8. After all of this turmoil I think I will get everything I need by rereading the SynScan User Guide and confirming all my settings which are suspect. Thanx for all the comments / help, it is appreciated !
  9. The SynScan Pro version I am using is 2.3.6, I will have to check my Gti but I believe is up to date, I will get back.
  10. I never implied I do a one star align., I use mostly a 2 star align and tried a 3 star. What is consistent is that when my scope stops the dso I am looking for isn't even in the FOV and I am using an ep that gives me about a 3.2° TFOV. It is consistently about 10-11° west declination from my scope which I then manually move to the dso selected . And by the way I am not complaining but I asked very specifically ' do I use True North or Mag. North when when doing a North Levelling Alignment and where is that clearly stated in the user guide ' ! My only real concern is why the dso I have selected is not in the FOV of my scope provided that I have aligned it properly and thus my True vs Mag. question. Once confirmed I don't think I will have a problem getting there. PS: I will keep your set of instructions as a reference though.
  11. Please give me the location in their user guide where SW confirms that in their application, just for my information.
  12. It sure hasn't worked for me yet, read my posts as to my procedures, my exact location realative to it all is well set, Magnetic North is about a 10° west declination from True at my viewing location and when my scope stops at a selected object it is about 10° east of the object thats why I asked about Mag. vs True. I intend to try both next time and by the way my mount and scope are levelled as close as is possible as per their instructions.
  13. Whats the big hurry to get them out, isn't it easier, smarter to wait till many more get theirs and determine what you / they really need / want ? LOL ! PS: Do you or anyone else think the world of the SS will end tomorrow or maybe its just plain old boredum, lol ?
  14. If you are a WL / Ha astronomer you must know, I hope you know, that when viewing the sun especially in the afternoon when max heat is rising and a breeze has come up that solar seeing conditions can change by the minute especially when taking photos ie good one moment and pp the next. So why would taking them with the SS be any different, criticize all you want but make sure you know your solar ........... ! PS: So when many of these solar pics were taken who knows the conditions !
  15. It remains to be seen one way or the other.
  16. Come on now ! Haven't you realized its a great compliment to WL / Ha ! Not a replacement and if you don't already have those systems then guess what, it saves big $'s, lol ! Don't you think, lol ?
  17. Some have said you don't need a mask, that it doesn't improve anything !
  18. So how does it connect, do you insert it in the battery compartment ? How about a pic or two.
  19. Many times a little off means nothing, you can only get so close on uneven ground, it can't be anyother way when each leg is at a different ground elevation. Someone once said ' close enough is good enough ', lol !
  20. I would have thought that SW would have been very specific, very clear where no one could miss it because it is a very important instruction in this whole excercise of alignment with their product. SW is usually pretty good, I have owned / used a lot of their gear over many years. We shall see !
  21. Thats what I wanted to see but I don't know why my target dso is always about that 10° west of where my scope stops, every time ? My levelling, my True North alignment and etc. is checked and double checked over more than one nite. I will try using True North again but I will also try it with Magnetic North next time as well. PS: Having said that it might be the compass on my ipad, I will double check the True North vs Magnetic North settings also and then check it with a couple more compasses, that may be where the problem is !
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