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Posts posted by queeniejo

  1. Hi and welcome, I’ve just returned to this after a nearly 8 year break so am still at very beginner stage. My 2 most helpful initial buys were a telrad finder and the book “turn left at Orion” then I replaced my stock eps. The most useful thing I did was join this forum, the people here are so helpful and give the best advice when you’re unsure what to buy/look at or do next.  https://www.firstlightoptics.com/ These guys are just the best to buy stuff from if you ever find money burning a hole in your pocket.

    Good luck x

    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi all,

    My neighbours  9 year old son is Fascinated by space and especially the moon. She would like to buy him a telescope, but doesn’t want to spend a lot in case it’s a hobby that fizzles out.

    I am not nearly experienced enough to give her any advice so thought I’d ask here. He has poor vision in one eye so she thinks a telescope would be better than binoculars.


    Thanks Jo x

  3. On 20/10/2020 at 19:17, Mark at Beaufort said:

    Hello @queeniejoI assume your 6" Dob is the Skywatcher which is nearly f/8. The decision on eyepieces and filters has a lot to do with your budget. I know many members will recommend high level EPs and filters and although they provide great views I have used less expensive products and have been satisfied with their performance. In saying that I have a Skywatcher 150p which is f/5 and is very good so similar to your scope.

    Although I own a TeleVue Nebustar Type 2 and Astronomik O-III filters I also rate the Castell O-III which has a wider bandwidth and provides great views of many of the best nebulae - Veil, M42, M27 etc - here is a link - https://www.365astronomy.com/Castell-OIII-Deepsky-Filter-for-2-Inch-Eyepieces.html

    I also agree with Gerry @jetstreamabout the 32mm Panaview in your scope you will have an exit pupil of 4.14 which is okay for your needs.


    Yes my scope is indeed the skywatcher, thanks for your help I am clueless 😂 

  4. 13 minutes ago, John said:

    The effectiveness of these filters is influenced quite a lot by the diameter of the exit pupil that the scope / eyepiece combination generates so eyepiece choice is quite important.


    Oh no now I’ll need suggestions for an eyepiece, to complement a filter I haven’t decided on ...let alone bought. And I now need to pay for them with money I haven’t earned yet. 

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  5. On 14/04/2020 at 08:13, Philip. said:

    After joining in 2012 I guess I lost my mojo 3/4 years ago partially due to the rubbish weather down here in Penzance and other factors. The good weather however during lockdown has made me miss stargazing so I decided to fire up my scope once more [a bit late in the season I know lol].

    I think I rushed everything a bit first time, desparate to see everything asap and getting frustrated, now I'm of the opinion if I can get out, brilliant, if not the night sky will still be there another time.

    Anyhoo, good to be back 😀

    Similar story to me, I too am in Penzance and joined here in 2012. I have been away for nearly 8 years and my scope has been gathering dust in the back of the shed. This week I finally dusted her down, got out my star books and have been clumsily trying to look at anything and everything. 

    I can’t believe I left it so long, feels great to be back


    Jo x

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  6. Hi all,

    I have trawled the forum for tips on choosing a filter to observe nebulas, I really am very undecided. I have a 150p dob and am still very amateur at the moment, I have returned after an 8 year absence so am almost back to square one again. My husband will tell me to buy the cheapest or not bother 😂 but I want is best for my needs and my scopes capabilities. 

    I am very keen to start my stargazing adventures once more, and spend money I can’t afford on accessories. You guys here are definitely the best in helping me decide how I spend my money x

  7. Hi all, tonight I finally unearthed my skywatcher dobsonian from the depths of the shed where she has been since 2012 (bad dobby mummy) and was so lucky to get a glimpse of Saturn before the cloud set in. why the hell did I stop stargazing for the last 8 years. Can’t wait to start spending money on more accessories again 😂 fingers crossed for clear evenings in the near future. So pleased this forum is still going strong x

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