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Everything posted by Young_astronomer

  1. Observed the Ring Nebula today for the first time, incredible!!

  2. Finally got the dob out after a long break, feels great to be back!!

    1. northwalesparry


      lucky you, im not jelous lol

  3. Seriously, how many weeks of clouds can I get?

    1. Capricorn


      52 and a bit.

    2. tingting44


      normally about 51

    3. foundaplanet


      Maybe somewhere in between.

  4. 3 CME's last week and all I got were clouds. . . somebody hates me

  5. New Dobsonian came today, psyched to try it out, if only it weren't for these cursed clouds!!

    1. Qualia


      Congratulations on the new buy. Clouds come as part and parcel of buying a new telescope :-)

    2. TheNorthernMonkey


      It took 4 weeks from opening the box to first light for me. Hope you have more luck

    3. Marki


      Grats on the new scope :). Hope your first light comes soon!

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