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Posts posted by Probablynot

  1. Welcome to SGL, Trej. Nice bit of kit you've bought yourself,by the way.

    I'm about 30 miles (crow-fly distance) NW from you. I do occasionally go over to Crickhowell (that's where my NHS dentist is - next visit is in 3 weeks time!;)).

    There seem to be a few people interested in getting together for an astro evening on the Eppynt (see earlier posts in this thread). That's just down the road for me, and shouldn't be too far for you?

    All we need is a decent and reliable forecast of fair weather, and someone to organise it!

  2. Yes, there are so many good viewing places here in the middle of Wales. Me, I wouldn't bother to travel the few miles north to the Elan Valley when, on a clear night in the summer, I can see the Milky Way as a striking, vivid band of light just by going out of my back door! And that's with the kitchen light on!

    When I posted my initial message here, I was really just trawling to see if there were any SGL addicts who lived in 'lets-get-together' distance of me for the occasional evening's sky watching. Organising a real Society of, say, 15 people living inside a 40-mile radius, would be nigh on impossible. No-one can travel those sort of distances for monthly meetings these days, where there's no public transport and petrol costs are so high.

    There's the Preseli Astr. Group 68 miles to the west of me. The Marches Astronomy Group looks good, but it's almost as far to the east. Swansea is £30-worth (round trip) of petrol to the south. And here I am, with a 6" Newtonian on a posh mount (shortly to become an 8" jobbie) and I've got no-one to share the experience with! More to the point, there's no-one to give me hints, tips, advice on how to improve my observing!

    But if there are really any astronomophiles (is that a word?) anywhere near me, please do get in touch!

  3. We (er, I mean I) just had an Extraordinary General Meeting. Due to the underwhelming demand from Mid-Wales astronomers for membership of MWAS, we have had to restrict membership.

    From now on, if you're in the area and you wish to join the MWAS, you have to indicate that you are really, really interested in astronomy.

    Try to answer the following question:

    The nearest planet to Earth is:

    [a] Pluto


    [c] Fomalhaut

    The MWAS Chairman's decision is final, regarding any answer you're daft enough to submit.

    But if you're serious, and you do live in mid-Wales, please do get in touch!

  4. I have just formed this society.

    Based half a mile from Llanwrtyd Wells, it has super pollution-free light. Unfortunately it also has clouds.

    Membership so far is one. Me.

    At the first AGM yesterday I was unanimously appointed President, Treasurer, Secretary, Press officer and coffee-maker. However, we (er, I mean I) would happily welcome new members living within sensible travelling distance, in which case my megalomania would suddenly be replaced by a vast sense of relief that I'm not the only star-watcher in the village!

    Seriously though ...

    Are there any SGL users alive in this wet-but-dark-and-incredibly-beautiful part of Wales who might like to get together and form a club? The nearest alternatives I've found are way down south (Swansea-ish) or far, far west (Preseli-ish).

    Or perhaps you know better?

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  5. I just want to say a big 'Thank You' to everyone here. I'm getting such great help, not only from the many experts who bother to look in at the 'beginners help and advice' section, but also from fellow-newbies whose newly-earned knowledge can be so useful!

    I'm SO glad I found the Stargazers' Lounge!

    Although most of the advice I get does seem to mean spending a whole lot more money!

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