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  1. If you look out of your window, at any time, on any given day of the year you will see a myriad of object’s, both simple and complex. For most, these are simply everyday occurrences that become lost, within’ the hectic lifestyle of the human race. Have you ever sat back and pondered where the fundamental building blocks of the things we all take for granted come from?. One of my favourite quotes from the great Carl Sagan is; “If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe” Much of the scientific fact that surrounds this quote can be as fascinating as it is frustrating, it can evoke wonder and confusion like nothing else. Billions and billions of incomprehensibly small objects interacting with each other to create a universe with beauty and complexity, staged on a platform so vast that the distances between the stars may never, in our lifetime at least be conquered. The most astonishing thing about the universe is that as far as current scientific data shows, it is made up of 12, yes 12 fundamental particle’s, bound by the 4 forces. The Photon, The Gluon & The Strong and Weak nuclear force’s, all of which make every single thing you will ever have the pleasure of seeing within’ your lifetime.
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