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Posts posted by GazOC

  1. The 10mm and the 3.5 were definitely among the later additions, John

    When Hyperions first came out they were priced around £65 and there weren't really many (any?) other options that gave that FOV as an upgrade to standard Plossls. Since then they've gone up in price and more options have become available to astronomers.

    I do think they can get something of a bad press as many times when people ask for opinions on them they immediately get compared to the Morpheus range which are pretty much twice the price simply because Baader make both types of eyepiece 

    I mainly use my 100 deg eyepieces these days but IMHO the Hyperions are solid workhorses and affordable enough that I have been able to cover all the focal lengths relatively cheaply through a combination of buying new when they first came out and second-hand purchases later on

    • Thanks 1
  2. Don, I don't know if it's still the case but when they first came out the 21mm Hyperion was *supposed* to give less than the advertised 68 Deg view resulting the field being roughly the same as the 17mm model which renders the 21mm a little redundant for most uses

    I've never tested this out so can't comment as to its veracity though 

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  3. As you say Paul, in an ideal world we would be able to test our purchases before buying and then decide but, at least for me, it's just not an option  most cases

    Pretty much all my astro purchases have had to be made on a spec sheet and word of mouth (which is notoriously risky where refractors are concerned, everyone seems to love THEIR refractor 😉

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  4. 24 minutes ago, johnturley said:

    I thought that FPL 55 glass was supposed to be superior to FPL 53 (although only marginally so), CFF state that their larger refractors use FPL 55, and give the impression that this is the case.


    The limited info I've seen on it is that 53 corrects CA slightly better than 55 has but that 55 has slightly better "polishing properties" whatever exactly that means 


    I could be wrong though...

  5. 8 minutes ago, johninderby said:

    That would have been my uneducated guess

    Carbon Brush brings up an interesting point, by not specifying glass type there's nothing to stop Skywatcher changing over to different (poorer?) glass type at some point in the future which renders all the previous reviews and owners recommendations pretty much obsolete. 

    At the moment if you buy any Skywatcher ED or triplet (bar the ED150) you at least have that guarantee of consistent material type 

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