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Everything posted by Rihard

  1. Hi all, after a long 5 years hiatus, I'm craving to do some observation and astrophotography. I own an old Celestron C80ED refractor, but I don't have a suitable tripod/mount. This OTA should weight about 2 KG (or 72 oz). I'm looking for a suitable GoTo mount, possibly something not too bulky and not too heavy, as I live in a tiny apartment (on the 3rd floor with no lift) and I don't have a car to carry it 😊 I would ideally use that mount also to do some AP with my mirrorless Fuji camera and some tele lenses, but I'd also love to do the same with the OTA. So the more portable, the better! Budget would be in the range of 400 / 600 quids. I already looked into iOptron and these (new to me) "Explore Scientific" mounts but I'm not 100 % confident wether these are reliable / suitable products or not. Any recommendation would be greatly appreciated. 😊 Thanks! 🙏
  2. Cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, hero of the space race, writer and artist, first man to walk in space, has died today at the age of 85. May he Rest in Peace among the stars!
  3. Starry starry night ....

  4. Irish Weather: Only THINK about Astronomy and clouds show up immediately!!!

    1. xtreemchaos


      you get to think about it,here in wales we dont even have to think.ha ha.

    2. Rihard
  5. Punctuation...

  6. TziuRiky is now "Rihard".

  7. No astro-shops in Ireland is a really big pain!

  8. YAY! First successful attempt at DSO imaging with 200P on Eq5!

  9. Amazing seeing, no time to use the telescope :(

  10. The weather man said it's gonna be clouds all week!

  11. Clouds are back! They feared I would try the SPC900 tonight ;)

  12. Firefly Mono: Ready to capture! :)

  13. Finally setup my scope on the roof ! First pics of Jupiter taken!

  14. Moved to a new house. Sky is getting clear, but after a long work day I'm too lazy to unbox my gear :(

  15. How to bend space and time for dummies!

  16. What's the name of the adapter to put my dSLR on my Eq5 mount (NO piggyback) ? Can't find it :(

  17. Is a Skymax 90 or 127 + Focal Reducer any good for basic DSO imaging?

    1. stem1989


      you would be better with a faster system f/5 and faster, the 150pds with a coma corrector should be about the same cost as the 127

    2. Rihard


      I already own a 200P at the moment :D I was curious if a slow scope with small FOV like the Skymax 90 would "improve" on DSO's adding a focal reducer, just to have some sort of "grab & go" all rounder :D

  18. I've been missing all the best astro-events of the past 6 years. Seriously thinking to move away from Ireland, for good. Enough is enough. Would NZ be a good stargazing location?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rihard


      Interesting facts folks! :D

    3. ronin


      Coast has just come on the TV, it is wandering round Ireland, the opening words were: Ireland has an average 0f 200 days of rain a year.

      So if you consider days with cloud but no rain I would say astronomy is a poor choice for there.

    4. Rihard
  19. Was unable to see Panstarrs. Is it gone for good now? :(

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      No, it will be around for a few weeks at least but it will become less bright as it moves further away.

    2. Rihard


      Oki Doki, I'll hopefully have some clear skies and horizons, I might still be able to catch it with my binos or with my scope :) Cheers :)

  20. Donkeys are already making up that Russia shot down the meteor with a missile -.-'

  21. My 20 quids clearance Argos Binos just gave me the best ever view of M42 from Ireland. Not bad at all :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stargazing_Cliff


      which ones you get from arogs i just got the Z131A 8x24X50mm Zoom Binoculars cant have till valentines day they pressy for me from colleen :). i got when they where at 17.99 and now they like 14.99 worth getting i tested and they brill when zoom in have to re-focus like but thats nothing.

    3. Rihard


      Hi mate, yes they are the very same binoculars I bought. Only wanted to try them because the price is fairly small. I tried them again yesterday (handheld) with the Pleiades and other clusters nearby Jupiter, and the view was lovely, and yes when zooming it needs to focus again, it is an hassle when handheld but not a major issue indeed, nothing to complain :)

    4. Rihard


      I tested them only with easy and bright targets such as Jupiter, M45 and M42. I've also seen some other lovely "star families" that are unknown to me but I enjoyed the views so much, especially since I am unable to setup the big 200P I can still do some rewarding grab and go observations with these binos whenever I see a gap between the clouds.

  22. Arogs Binos: 21 euro only, and they are unexpectedly nice!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. tingting44


      sounds awsome mate!! and like you say for that price is worth a punt, as it will be my 1st binos also, so great to see what bino viewing is like without hurting the bank lol :D

    3. tingting44


      yes its annoying when parts of messages get cut off :(

    4. Rihard
  23. I dislike so much those NASTY blackholes, that I think "blackhole" could be used to insult bad astronomers :P

  24. College break's almost over and I haven't had a chance to use my telescope yet :(

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